DEV Community

Chirag Kumar
Chirag Kumar

Posted on


Hello everyone, welcome to my DevOps learning journey.

In this journey, we will be focusing on learning DevOps, and the first topic we'll cover is Linux. Linux is a free, open-source operating system that plays a significant role in DevOps for handling various tasks and processes.

what is Linux :-
Linux is a free, open source operating system, released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Anyone can run, study, modify, and redistribute the source code, or even sell copies of their modified code, as long as they do so under the same license.


  1. Intro to Linux
  2. Basic CLI Commands
  3. Understanding files in Linux
  4. Filters & Redirection
  5. Users & Group
  6. Sudo
  7. Software management
  8. Services & Processes
  9. Good to know commands
  10. Server Management

Linux Principles

  1. Everything is a file (Including Hardware)
  2. Small Single purpose Programs
  3. Ability to chain programs together for complex operations
  4. Avoid Captive User Interface
  5. Configuration data stored in text

Why Linux?

  1. Opensource
  2. Community Support
  3. Support Wide Variety of Hardware
  4. Customization
  5. Most Servers runs on Linux
  6. Automation
  7. Security

Popular Linux distros

➔ Popular Desktop Linux OS

  1. Ubuntu Linux
  2. Linux Mint
  3. Arch Linux
  4. Fedora
  5. Debian
  6. OpenSUSE

Popular Server Linux OS

  1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  2. Ubuntu Server
  3. Centos
  4. SUSE Enterprise Linux

Most used Linux distros currently in IT industry

  1. RPM based:- RHEL, Centos, Oracle Linux
  2. Debian based :- Ubuntu Server, Kali Linux

Practice Linux & Vagrant

  1. Website
    On Centos7
    Httpd service & HTML Templates

  2. WordPress
    On Ubuntu 18
    Apache2, MySQL & PHP WordPress Template

  3. Automation
    Vagrant provisioning

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