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3 Useful Node.js Version Managers

Article review: <How to select the Node.js Version>

When our local development environment needs to install Node.js 8.0.0 and Node.js 17.0.0 at the same time, how to do it?

Next, I will share 3 tools for managing the Node.js version of the local environment.

1. nvm

Github stars: 60K+

nvm allows you to quickly install and use different versions of node via the command line.

(Image from: github)

nvm can only be used in projects for macOS and Linux users. If you are Windows users, you can use nvm-windows, nodist or nvs.


macOS download method:

# Method 1 Browser open the following link to download
# After the download is complete, install it through the command

# Method 2 ✅
curl -o- | bash

# Method 3
wget -qO- | bash
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If you encounter problems during the installation process, you can check the nvm supplementary notes.

Common commands

nvm ls # view version install all versions
nvm ls-remote # View all remote Node.js versions
nvm install 17.0.0 # Install the specified Node.js version
nvm use 17.0.0 # use the specified Node.js version
nvm alias default 17.0.0 # Set the default Node.js version
nvm alias dev 17.0.0 # Set the alias of the specified version, for example, set the alias of version 17.0.0 to dev
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$ nvm use 16
Now using node v16.9.1 (npm v7.21.1)
$ node -v
$ nvm use 14
Now using node v14.18.0 (npm v6.14.15)
$ node -v
$ nvm install 12
Now using node v12.22.6 (npm v6.14.5)
$ node -v
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Simple as that!

2. n

Github stars: 16.7K+

n is an interactive Node.js version manager: no subshells, no profile setup, no convoluted API, just simple.

n is supported on macOS, Linux, including with Windows Subsystem for Linux, and various other unix-like systems. It is written as a BASH script but does not require you to use BASH as your command shell.


If you already have Node.js installed, an easy way to install n is using npm:

npm install n -g
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Third Party Installers

Common commands

n # show all downloaded versions
n 10.16.0 # Download the specified version
n lts # View all LTS Node.js versions remotely
n run 10.16.0 # run the specified Node.js version
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Use the n -h command to read help information, there are these main commands:

  n Display downloaded Node.js versions and install selection
  n latest Install the latest Node.js release (downloading if necessary)
  n lts Install the latest LTS Node.js release (downloading if necessary)
  n <version> Install Node.js <version> (downloading if necessary)
  n install <version> Install Node.js <version> (downloading if necessary)
  n run <version> [args ...] Execute downloaded Node.js <version> with [args ...]
  n which <version> Output path for downloaded node <version>
  n exec <vers> <cmd> [args...] Execute command with modified PATH, so downloaded node <version> and npm first
  n rm <version ...> Remove the given downloaded version(s)
  n prune Remove all downloaded versions except the installed version
  n --latest Output the latest Node.js version available
  n --lts Output the latest LTS Node.js version available
  n ls Output downloaded versions
  n ls-remote [version] Output matching versions available for download
  n uninstall Remove the installed Node.js
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3. fnm

Github stars: 8.4K+

fnm: 🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust

(Image from: freecodecamp)

Features include:

🌎 Cross-platform support (macOS, Windows, Linux)

✨ Single file, easy installation, instant startup

🚀 Built with speed in mind

📂 Works with .node-version and .nvmrc files


macOS / Linux environment:

# bash, zsh and fish shells
curl -fsSL | bash
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Windows environment:

# Open the terminal in administrator mode. After installation, it can only be opened in administrator mode.

choco install fnm

# After the installation is complete, you need to manually set the environment variables
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Linux/macOS/Windows environments can also directly download binary files for installation, download address:

Common commands

fnm -h # View help
fnm install 17.0.0 # Install the specified Node.js version
fnm use 17.0.0 # use the specified Node.js version
fnm default 17.0.0 # Set the default Node.js version
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If you have a better tool, please leave a message to share.

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Top comments (2)

tracygjg profile image
Tracy Gilmore

FYI, Your link to nodist is broken.

chris1993 profile image
Chris1993 • Edited

Thank you, I wrote an extra space here and modified it.