As part of Hacktoberfest 2022, the user-statistician GitHub Action, which generates an SVG with a detailed summary of your activity on GitHub, is seeking contributors to translate the headings, labels, etc to additional languages for increased internationalization. This post is a brief update on the progress of this effort, as well as an additional call for Hacktoberfest contributors.
Table of Contents:
- Update on Hacktoberfest 2022 progress.
- Call for Contributors.
- More Information About the user-statistician GitHub Action.
- Where You Can Find Me.
In the first 12 days of Hacktoberfest, there have been two new releases, with a total of 6 brand new contributors adding 5 new language translations: Dutch, Hungarian, Norwegian, Romanian, and Thai.
The user-statistician GitHub Action now includes support for the following 21 languages: Bahasa Indonesia, Bengali, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian.
Call for Contributors
There are still 19 days left of Hacktoberfest 2022. And there are still open issues for language translations including the following languages: Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Greek, Persian, Swedish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Or if you stumble upon this post after Hacktoberfest, you are of course welcome to contribute at any time.
You are also of course welcome to contribute translations to any language not currently supported. If there isn't already an open issue for it, start by submitting an issue so I know you want to work on it.
Also, check out my DEV post from the start of Hacktoberfest that has additional useful information for contributors:

Hacktoberfest Language Translation Contributors Wanted for the user-statistician GitHub Action
Vincent A. Cicirello ・ Sep 30 '22
More Information About the user-statistician GitHub Action
You can find out more about the user-statistician GitHub Action via its GitHub repository:
Generate a GitHub stats SVG for your GitHub Profile README in GitHub Actions
Check out all of our GitHub Actions:
The cicirello/user-statistician GitHub Action generates a detailed visual summary of your activity on GitHub in the form of an SVG suitable to display on your GitHub Profile README Although the intended use-case is to generate an SVG image for your GitHub Profile README, you can also potentially link to the image from a personal website, or from anywhere else where you'd like to share a summary of your activity on GitHub. The SVG that the action generates includes statistics for the repositories that you own, your contribution statistics (e.g., commits, issues, PRs, etc), as well as the distribution of languages within public repositories that you own. The user stats image can be customized, including the colors such as with one of the built-in themes or your own set of custom…
I also maintain a website about the various GitHub Actions that I maintain:
More information about the user-statistician is also available in prior posts here on DEV, such as:

Halloween Themes for the user-statistician GitHub Action
Vincent A. Cicirello ・ Sep 28 '22

The user-statistician GitHub Action mentioned in Awesome-README
Vincent A. Cicirello ・ Aug 25 '22
Where You Can Find Me
Follow me here on DEV:
Follow me on GitHub:
Vincent A Cicirello
View My Detailed GitHub Activity
If you want to generate the equivalent to the above for your own GitHub profile, check out the cicirello/user-statistician GitHub Action.
Or visit my website:
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