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How to Safely Delete Local and Remote Branches in Git


In Git, much like with most other version control systems, branch management plays an important role in keeping your codebase clean and maintainable. Cleaning up branches that are no longer needed prevents clutter and keeps your workflow tidy. In this article, you will learn how to delete both local and remote Git branches and get hands-on with examples on how to sidestep some common pitfalls. Whether it be cleaning up after a feature has been merged, or deleting obsolete branches, knowing how to remove them correctly is an important part of managing your project.

Understanding Git Branches

We as developers often create feature-related or task-related branches. A branch in Git is essentially a point in time on the project that allows us to work on modifications without perturbing the main trunk of our codebase. It's like a sandbox where I can try things out and make tweaks, looking out at the risk that might affect the integrity of the main project.

This becomes very important when managing branches through a large project containing many contributors. I want my repository tidied up for myself and my teammates. Once a branch has served its purpose, such as we have merged the changes in the main branch, then we should decide whether we still need it anymore. Cleaning up the unused branch regularly can reduce confusion and make navigation easier through our repository. Besides, keeping these clean is achieved by one simple command, namely git branch, which lists all of them; this gives a very good idea of what should stay and what can be removed. Thus, with all these utilities, we are able to enforce a structured and lean way of development.

Why Should You Remove Branches?

In development, we have often been in situations where we create branches for some specific feature or task. Once the changes are merged, obviously, we get rid of them since they will just make our repository cluttered. Indeed, cleaning up branches after their purpose has been served gives many reasons: at least better organization, reduced confusion, and easier navigation through our repository.

When I look at a repository full of stale branches, sometimes it starts to get difficult to figure out which branches are still relevant in the context of our current workflow. Mistakes can occur because of confusion about trying to merge an outdated branch or working on something that has already been integrated. In keeping with useless branching, things keep a more streamlined and maintainable codebase regularly. Besides, deleting these branches keeps our team focused on the present task at hand, instead of thinking about obsolete branches. Thus, this acts as an instinctive way of maintaining good version control and, as such, needs to be updated regularly. We should get into the practice of deleting those branches that serve no useful purpose offered to our projects for the sake of cleanliness.

How to Delete a Local Branch in Git

It is relatively easy to delete a local branch you are not on, and you do so by running the following command: First things first, you need to be off the branch that you would want to delete. You switch to any other branch using the command git checkout <branch-name>. For example, in order to switch to the 'main' branch, you would run:

git checkout main
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Once it's no longer needed you'll want to delete that branch. After you’ve switched off that branch, you can then delete the local branch. For deleting a branch, Git offers two variants: -d and -D.

The option -d allows deleting the branch in case it has been already included in another branch. For example, to delete a branch named 'feature/login' which has been previously merged, you would use:

git branch -d feature/login
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If the branch has already not been merged and you want to force delete it, then you would use the -D option:

git branch -D feature/login
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Be careful with the command using the -D option as this will force the branch to be gone for good, and you will lose data if there are unmerged changes on that branch. Always make sure you review what your branches look like before running these commands.

Deleting Remote Branches

For the management of remote branches, it is a bit different from the local ones. You would delete a remote branch with this: git push origin --delete <branch-name>. Just before deleting a branch, it is essential that you view your existing branches with git branch -a, a command displaying both local and remote. Suppose, for instance, that I want to delete a remote branch - 'feature/login'. This done, the first thing I do is checking out my branches by using:

git branch -a
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This will list all the branches; hence, it will help me confirm that 'feature/login' exists remotely. Once confirmed, I can then delete the branch using:

git push origin --delete feature/login
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Cleaning the remote branches is important because, if not deleted, they can be recovered, especially in pull operations. Let this be an important practice that keeps the repository clean and does not give ambiguities to other collaborators who will check out or pull down the repository.

Troubleshooting Branch Deletion Issues

Sometimes branches do not delete cleanly and obviously. This chapter covers some common problems, such as attempting to delete a currently checked-out branch, and misusing the -d flag.

One frequent issue occurs when I try to delete a branch I'm currently on. Git won't allow this. To check which branch I am on, I can use the command:

git branch
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This lists all the branches, the current one is highlighted with an asterisk (*). First, I need go to another branch using:

git checkout <another-branch>
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Another issue is that the -d option does not work because it only deletes a branch that has been merged into its parent. If I do:

git branch -d <branch-name>
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And provide an error, I know hasn't been merged the branch. In that case, I can use the option of force delete with:

git branch -D <branch-name>
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However, this is a command that shall be given with care since it will remove the unmerged changes, too. So, knowing what exactly my branches are and in what state they are helps me in avoiding data loss while managing them.


Deleting branches in Git is pretty straightforward, but you are supposed to know how to deal with both the local and remote branches. To that end, you will utilize proper steps with appropriate commands to prevent messing up your codebase, which makes your workflow easier. Always check for unmerged changes before forcing the delete of a branch, and be sure never to delete a branch you are on. Following these best practices will help you go a long way in easily managing your Git branches.

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Top comments (1)

gabriel-mendonca profile image
Gabriel Mendonça

Very good!
Thanks sharing!