Hey folks!
This is my first attempt at creating my own database from scratch. I am doing this for learning purposes and so I can say I have a database named after me;
Currently, in the first day of development, my main resource to study is this post, but I will not be doing a SQL database, instead, I will follow his steps but try to create a document database, like MongoDB
On this first day, my data is only stored in memory, I haven't yet started to work on the data persistency (actually saving it to disk).
Today I have implemented three functions:
creates a new table; The current syntax for this function is:
Create [table name] [args...]
adds a document to a table; the current syntax for this function is:
Insert [table name] [args...]
either returns each document for a table or the structure for the entire database; the current syntax for this function is:
Select [table name (optional)]
So yeah, this is what I've managed to create today, I will keep on improving it tomorrow and probably post about it after Christmas.
If anyone wants to try it or just to take a peek at source code, this is the GitHub repository for it:
My study on how to create a database
Hello, this is the repository for my database project, I am trying to learn how to create a database from scratch using Node.js
My objective is to understand a little better how databases work internally
You need to have Node.js and NPM to install and use this project
npm i learndb
you can use this in two ways, either as an REPL or as a driver for the database
If you want to use this project as a REPL I would adivise to clone it instead of installing it, if you have it cloned, to access the REPL, all you need to do is type this on the terminal:
node index.js repl
REPL Commands
using [database name]
Either loads a database from the directory you are currently in or creates a database with the specified name if none…
And to run it, you just need to have an updated version of Node.js and write the following command in its root directory:
node index.js
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