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Command Line Pirate 🏴‍☠️
Command Line Pirate 🏴‍☠️

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3 Ready-to-Copy Bash Scripts to Visualize Python Code

Understanding code with a visual is 10x easier than from just reading it.

Want to know how to create one quickly?

Here are my 3 best bash scripts I use to visualize python code:

Visualize Code Structure

You never know when you're going to run into your next overly complex code, and without a tool it's hard to spot code complexity. This can result in poor readability and risk of bugs as the project scales .

But there's an easy way to do this with code structure graph. With pyan3, you can quickly create a dependency of graph of your code and then use dot to render it as PNG image.

pyan3 --dot > && dot -Tpng -o code-structure.png
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Visualize Control Flow

Sometimes, in python codebase you'll find sections of code that are never executed due to conditional logic, loops or return statements. This redundant or forgotten code can lead to messy codebase, poor maintainability and potential bugs.

With Control Flow Graphs you can easily identify such unreachable and dead code paths. Let pycfg take care of the heavy lifting for you, by outputting control flow graph of your Python code as SVG file.

pycfg > controlflow.svg
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Visualize Module Dependencies

While working with python modules, one issue that comes up is of circular dependency — where two or more modules reference each other in a loop. This generally leads to import errors and performance issues.

Fortunately, with a module dependency graph, you can easily spot these problematic relationships. And with snakefood tool, you can easily create one.

sfood | dot -Tpng -o module-dependencies.png
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And that’s it.

Hope you’d find these commands useful while creating visuals for Python code.

Also, comment below which code visual you find the most helpful?

Top comments (1)

hasii2011 profile image
Humberto A Sanchez II

It would be great if you provided links to the various tools that you are creating a CLI around. Thanks for the information