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Javel Rowe
Javel Rowe

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Ansible 101: Facts & Templates

In Ansible, variables and facts, along with templates, are foundational tools for creating flexible automation workflows. Variables allow you to manage and change your configurations dynamically. Facts are a special subset of variables that Ansible gathers from the remote systems, providing context-specific information. Templates enable the generation of variable-driven configuration files, making your playbooks adaptable to varied environments and scenarios.

These tools make playbooks reusable and adaptable, allowing you to avoid hard-coding values and enabling customization for different environments.

Variables & Facts

Variables allow for parameters to be modified without altering the playbook's core logic.

Diagram showing how variables, facts and templates work together

  • Types of Variables:

    • Boolean: True or False values.
    • List: An ordered collection of items.
    • Dictionary: Key-value pairs for complex data structures.
    • Registered Variables: Captures the output of tasks to use later in your playbook.
    • Facts: Auto-collected variables that provide details about the remote systems you are managing.

NB: Avoid conflicts in variable names by using bracket notation.

- name: Print the distribution of the target
  hosts: all
   curr_time: "{{ now() }}"
   - name: Distro Check
      msg: "The target system is {{ ansible_facts['distribution'] }}. Timestamp: {{ curr_time }}"

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Templates & Files

Templates in Ansible use the Jinja2 templating language to dynamically create files using variable interpolation, loops, and conditionals.

- name: Write distro name
  hosts: all
   - name: Write distro name
      src: distro.j2
      dest: /root/distro.txt
      mode: '644'

# src: location of jinja2 template file
# dest: location it will be copied to
# permissions that will be granted to the file
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We're going to use the OS Family to determine whether to install NGINX of Lighttpd then we'll deploy a custom homepage to the remote host containing NGINX all without hardcoding hostnames.

  1. Clone the repo
git clone
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2. Spin up the environment using docker-compose

docker compose up -d --build
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3. SSH into the Ansible server

ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes root@localhost -p 2200# password: test123
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4. Change directory to ansible_learn

cd ansible_learn
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Variables & facts

5. Create a playbook called server_setup.yaml. Here, we'll setup NGINX & Lighttpd then output the name of the distro for each remote host

- name: Install NGINX on Debian & Lighttpd on RedHat
  hosts: all
   dev1: "Debian"
   dev2: "RedHat"
   - name: Install NGINX for Debian-based systems   
      name: nginx
      state: present
     when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == dev1       

   - name: Install Lighttpd for RedHat-based systems 
      name: lighttpd
      state: present
     when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == dev2       

   - name: Display the distribution
      msg: "The server is running {{ ansible_facts['distribution'] }}"
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6. Run ansible-lint

ansible-lint server_setup.yaml
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7. Run the playbook

ansible-playbook --key-file /root/.ssh/id_rsa_ansible -u root -i inventory.yaml server_setup.yaml
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8. Confirm that setup was successful

ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa_ansible root@server3 nginx -V

ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa_ansible root@server2 lighttpd -v
ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa_ansible root@server1 lighttpd -v
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Templates & Files

9. Create a Jinja2 template file called index.html.j2

It will get auto populated with the OS Family & Distribution.

  <title>Welcome to {{ ansible_facts['os_family'] }}</title>
  <h1>Server running on {{ ansible_facts['distribution'] }}</h1>
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10. Create a playbook called custom_homepage.yaml

We're deploying the custom homepage created above to NGINX then restarting the server.

- name: Deploy Custom Homepage and restart
  hosts: all
   dev1: "Debian"
   dev2: "RedHat"
   - name: Create Homepage with Jinja2 Template for NGINX
      src: index.html.j2
      dest: /var/www/html/index.html
      mode: '644'
     when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == dev1
     notify: restart nginx

   - name: Restart NGINX
     listen: "restart nginx"
      name: nginx
      state: restarted
     when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == dev1
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11. Run the linter

ansible-lint custom_homepage.yaml

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12. Run the playbook

ansible-playbook --key-file /root/.ssh/id_rsa_ansible -u root -i inventory.yaml custom_homepage.yaml
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13. Confirm deployment by visiting http://localhost:2203 in your browser.


Awesome effort! 🙌 We've learned how to use variables & facts in a playbook along with how to create dynamic files using templates. Next we'll look at modularization and error handling. Til then, take care!

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