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Charles Ndavu
Charles Ndavu

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Love and Hate of PHP...

Sometimes I wonder what the reasons for inventors of programming languages to categorize their inventions into a specific universal name were. They took long hours to prepare code lines rules that we must follow to produce outstanding applications, yet we have to spend sleepless nights solving bugs.

Enough of my mind's eye, and let's get into the love and hate of PHP.

The Love

My interactions with developers will always end up with a debate on which language is the best, and PHP emerges at the top. They eat and sleep it. I could not even make them think otherwise. Some of the reasons why the developers love PHP include;

  • It is easy to learn. This is the first common answer you will get from a PHP lover. Yes, it is. PHP is everywhere. The teaching materials are easily accessible in online resources. Also, most websites use PHP for backend scripting. I bet is on the list.

  • It is scalable. Now, you will realize PHP is scalable after years of interaction. It keeps evolving and accommodating different modern features. Also, the frameworks keep growing, making developer life simple.

  • Love at first sight. It sounds ironic, but hey! If your mentor introduced you to python first, would you not love it or consider it a base programming language?

The Hate

Shakespeare said. Love me or hate me, Both are in my favor. The same saying applies to PHP. If something is good, it does have flaws, and if it has flaws, it indeed does not lack the good. Reasons for the hate include;

  • It lacks a clear road map. Now, this was the opinion of one Java user programmer. He claims PHP functions and some arguments are not constant or somewhat opaque, meaning the language is sort of inconsistent.

  • It is used everywhere. My C++ friend claimed PHP does not make you look cool or a tough developer. Also, suggesting it is easy to produce a 'bug' code.


Every developer or programmer is entitled to opinions about a specific programming language. Use any language that makes you happy in the 'wallet or bank,' specifically.

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Top comments (4)

ajimerasrinivas profile image
Srinivas Ajimera

Thank you for sharing this article. It has a lot of valuable information.

cndavu profile image
Charles Ndavu

Thanks. I will create more content on the same.

And nice services (Espirittech)

titon profile image

I have invited to volunteer on a laravel project and I am stressed out. How do I start .. Weeh

cndavu profile image
Charles Ndavu

Relax man... never show weakness under the sun. But, I bet you have a basic understanding of the laravel framework? Being invited to the projects means you are among the champs... relax... understand the basics of this project... Reach out to me when you're stuck