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Chiranjeev Thomas
Chiranjeev Thomas

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Writing User Info to files in CSV format ( TDD Kata ) - Part 2

Part 2 of the Writing User Info to files in CSV format kata.

In this particular kata, we are faced with the challenge of batch-processing our user data, as importing and writing millions of records resulted in our server crashing.

Summary :

We continue from Part 1 ( start with this post ) , where we defined the problem and suggested the probable solution for it , given the scenario .

Now, we have a different requriement. Our product manager has informed us that because we're trying to write millions of customer records to a file , our backend server keeps on crashing ... and because of that we're been tasked with creating a batched processing feature .

So , in this case , we'll be able to specify the amout of Customer Info we'll batch together and write in 1 go , before the next batch comes in . Thereby preventing the backend from getting overwhelmened and eventually crasing !

We need to also ensure that previous tests don't break, which can be achieved by building on top of the previous impelemtations , rather than modifying them , i.e : adhere to the Open Closed Principle and the Single Responsibility Principle .

Objectives of ths Post :

1 : Create a batched processing system

2 : Extend the functionality of the existing app , without failing previous tests

3 : Manage the test suit , while expanding the functionality

4 : Follow the SOLID principles ( particularly Single Responsibility and Open Closed Principles )

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