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At what age and in what language did you write your first line of code?

At what age and in what language did you write your first line of code?

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Top comments (49)

patricktingen profile image
Patrick Tingen

I think I was around 12 years old (~1982) when I wrote my first basic program. On paper. Yes, paper. I got infected with the programming virus by a book of a friend of my parents. They had a commodore 64 with a book that belonged to it, with instructions on how to program in basic. I just loved it and started to write my own program on paper. Later - in school - I programmed on a TRS-80 system and even later I got my own MSX computer. Today I am still programming. And I still love it. Even after almost 40 years.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Commodore 64 is such a legendary machine.

admantium profile image

Same language as I used :)

vanaf1979 profile image
Stephan Nijman

I remember that book! 😊

audreyfeldroy profile image
Audrey Roy Greenfeld

We had TRS-80 computers at school too, in third grade computer class! We'd sit two or three at a computer and type in programs that the teacher handed us.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I’d pin it at around 12, and it was HTML.

Maybe not as programmy a language, but my intro was geocities and it’s not too different from what I’m still doing.

radiomorillo profile image
Stephanie Morillo

HTML at age 12

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


radiomorillo profile image
Stephanie Morillo


iamkalai profile image
Kalaiarasan Pushpanathan

C. I was 17 when I first used a computer and learnt to switch on a computer. Few months after buying the computer, bought (from Library) a 'Learn C in 24 hours' book by Sams publication and wrote 'Hello world'.

geoxion profile image
Dion Dokter

Early 2013 when I was 15. Language was C#.
Started doing that because I liked Redstone in Minecraft a lot and my dad suggested I better learn something more useful πŸ˜…

After that I stopped playing Minecraft and started making programs

kildareflare profile image
Rich Field

17: PIC Assembly Language
Which looks something like this...

     bsf    STATUS,RP0    ; Select Registers at Bank 1
     movlw  0x70
     movwf  OSCCON        ; Set the internal clock speed to 8 Mhz
     clrf   TRISIO        ; Set all General Purpose I/O to output
     clrf   ANSEL         ; Make all ports as digital I/O
     bcf    STATUS,RP0    ; Back to Registers at Bank 0    
ecognito profile image
E Cognito

It would have been BASIC on a ZX80 which was a nasty little membrane keyboard thing you attached to the ariel socket on your TV. I was probably around 10-12 years old.

From there I taught myself Pascal which I had to boot up on 3.5" floppy disks on the Cannon XT PC running DOS that my dad had bought to help him do the invoicing for his business. During school holidays I would start programming about 11pm and go to bed at around 7am when my dad got up and kicked me out of his home office.

ferceg profile image

It was the BASIC era's helloworld. :)
Same first program on C+4, at age of 12, in 1988.
It was a school computer, no floppy drive, only casette recorder. It took literally minutes to load a program without turbo.

rdad profile image
thierry tranchina

I write my first line of Basic code when I was 13 on a Amstrad cpc 464 ... 35 years ago 🀯

stephanie profile image
Stephanie Handsteiner • Edited

I was around 11 years old when wrote my first line of PHP in 2001. I used to write modifications (β€œhacksβ€œ we called them, because we were cool, I guess) for the Burning Board software. Also made styles/templates for it.

jannisfink profile image
Jannis Fink

I think it was PHP at age 14 (~2009). Around that time, we started using Processing in school in the computer science class. Before that, we had used Scratch, but I don't think that that counts as "programming" πŸ˜† It was a lot of fun, though. I should take a look at it some time...

bykof profile image
Michael Bykovski

I was 13 years old when I started to write my first website with html, css and javascript (~2007). It was the time, where responsive web design become very popular. I remember that it was called "fluid design".
After that I programmed some websites for my friends and some small companies to get money for it. Then I started around 2010 with PHP to have a backend for all these websites I built. Mostly it was just Wordpress with some template adaptations, but then I discovered Symfony. So I learned a lot about MVC architecture and from that point I got hungry for software-architecture.

Then, 2013 I joined a software company where we programmed in Python. We built a lot of business intelligence stuff with a lot of data science (as it was not related to AI anyhow) stuff. As I started to study computer science in 2013 as well, I could combine my university knowledge with requirements in my job.
I learned so much in this time.
Programming, Computer-Science, Databases, Mathematics, Computer Vision, Concepts, Design Patterns, Software-Architecture, and uncountable more... it's astonishing when I look back.

2018 I changed companies and stayed there for 9 months. Now I am at a really satisfactory company where we implement Go services.

lenguyenhoangnhan profile image

I remember it was 2016 (i was 14) when i copy and paste Java "Hello World" code into Eclipse and had no idea what i was doing. I stop coding until 2018 and came back to Java and then jumped to C++ (Arduino). Now i use JS and loving it!

hinasoftwareengineer profile image

I learn C language and html,css and javascript at 16 in 2018. Before 16, I just hate computer ,Oh!! forget that my teacher taught us GWBasic language when i was 14. I just hate that because it is beyond my mind :xD. But after come to university, I know what is programming language and learn C Programming then i fell in love with computer and programming languages.

mabla0531 profile image
Matthew Bland • Edited

9 with Rockerfer Basic (it's on if it's even still up)

My parents were Software Engineers for Lockheed Martin and some other defense contracting agency and actually met through a joint contract in Colorado, so of course they had to get me into CS. I'm now pursuing CS as a profession and I can't thank them enough.