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What technologies are you currently learning?

What technologies are you currently learning?
... and what motivates you to learn this new cool technology?

Share with community!

P.S. Please mention if you are learning this as a way to get into coding or just to expand your existing knowledge for work / hobby reasons.

Top comments (27)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


It's going to be part of us accomplishing the next phase of our development...

Also messing around with Electronjs.

jackharner profile image
Jack Harner πŸš€


DEV desktop app in the works?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

What if it wasn’t just for DEV, but for navigating all the forums built on our open source software in the near future?

What if? πŸ€”

balbuenac profile image
Carlos Balbuena

Python and ReactJs. Loving Python.

onyeriri profile image
Onyeriri Viktor

Hi everyone,

I am learning react.js and UI/UX to expand my little knowledge of those technologies. I need material and professional help. Currently, am working as a junior web developer in CBIT industries.

lbeul profile image
Louis • Edited

Okay, so my tips for free high quality resources are....

  • Scrimba for getting comfortable with new frameworks or concepts (they've also got some AI tracks)
  • FullStackOpen to put all of the pieces together and gather enough knowledge to build full stack applications with JS.

Apart from that, if you're new, you could try the #codeathome Bootcamp by TechLabs as it's free anyd you'll become member of a very supportive community!

onyeriri profile image
Onyeriri Viktor • Edited

Thanks, Louis I appreciate it. I checked on TechLabs their Global program is not available I will join their next phase of the program. Thanks, once more.

prwhoeatsnonstop profile image

Thank you Louis

bholz97 profile image

I am starting to learn Flutter, which is something I've been wanting to do for a while! I've been learning a lot about full stack web Dev for the last few months, but have always wanted to get my feet wet with mobile development. I'm having an absolute blast so far! I'm hoping to use it to add some skills onto my resume. If anyone has any recommendations for good resources to learn/practice with, I'd greatly appreciate it!

isaactait profile image
Isaac Tait • Edited

RedwoodJS, GraphQL, & MongoDB

misterhtmlcss profile image
Roger K.

Can you even connect a RedwoodJS project to MongoDB?

isaactait profile image
Isaac Tait

Redwood uses GraphQL so I think you could use the MongoDB GraphQL API

Thread Thread
misterhtmlcss profile image
Roger K. • Edited

Thank you!. Hadn't thought that way for some reason despite how obvious it was.

Thread Thread
ajcwebdev profile image

Status of RedwoodJS and MongoDB as of Early 2022

I know this is a very old comment, but I found it on the first page of Google while searching "RedwoodJS MongoDB", so I thought it might be worth including some current info for anyone else stumbling upon it today.

Should You Connect to MongoDB with Realm?

It is absolutely true that anything exposed through a GraphQL endpoint can be queried from Redwood's API in a straightforward manner with something like node-fetch or graphql-request. This is a useful way to bring in data from a third party service. You can ignore Prisma entirely, even deleting the Prisma folder containing your database schema.

But in most cases it's not really a good idea to do this. This means you leave behind the Prisma ORM entirely as your primary database tool and instead only query through a GraphQL API. I know this from experience, as I've done this on a number of example applications with tools such as Fauna and StepZen.

Problems with Extracting Prisma

There are two main reasons why circumventing Prisma entirely is usually a bad idea:

  • You lose out on a lot of the functionality of Redwood's CRUD scaffolding capabilities since you aren't building from a Prisma model.
  • Depending on what database is exposed through that endpoint and how the data is structured, GraphQL can be a sub-optimal query language.
    • This isn't because GraphQL is bad (it pays my bills actually).
    • However, it can be limiting in comparison to the native query languages these databases actually contain.
    • In this case that query language is MQL, the MongoDB Query Language.

Prisma Now Supports MongoDB

When this comment was originally written in October 2020, Realm was the only way to connect to a Mongo database with Redwood at all. However, Prisma officially added support for MongoDB in 2021.

This means that you can now use MongoDB in your Redwood project as your entire backend, scaffold commands included. While still a layer of abstraction removed from MQL, it is a full ORM closer in spirit to Mongoose.

Still In Progress

Unfortunately, while this is possible today it is lacking currently in proper Redwood documentation. All the material are out there for those who are determined enough to piece it together but there isn't an end to end tutorial yet.

However, if you are interested in using RedwoodJS and MongoDB today and want to provide early feedback, we have a cookbook in the works along with an open issue.

Relevant Prisma Links

Relevant Redwood Links

ghost profile image

Rust, and in special the async-std web "stack": async-h1, http-types, and tide. I finally understand so many things that I skipped using Django. Is at the same time so much "lower level" yet so much more clear to me. Or maybe because now I'm older and wiser,... nah, must be something else.

(I have less hair now tho)

ponyjackal profile image

Svelte and JAM stack

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt


  • CMS


  • Data management best practices
  • R language
lbeul profile image

I just started to tinker around with Node and how to make API requests. By now I'm comfortable with writing and understanding React code and I think it's time to make the next step towards Full Stack Development :)

ryhazerus profile image

Rust, gRPC, and Google's Protobuf. Building a generic sensing platform that can support any sensor technology using any protocol for an IoT project. Loving the contract-based system Google's Protobuf provides for gRPC. It makes working with hundreds of IoT devices MUCH simpler and standardized. Rust also makes running threads on an embedded system fantastic seeing how its thread and memory safe.

Honestly its the first time I'm actually using Rust for a real production application but so far so good, I would recommend it to anyone looking to try out a new systems programming language!