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Introduction to Pandas: Data Reading

In this blog, we'll explore the process of reading and working with data using Pandas. No prior experience is necessary – we'll start from the basics and guide you through every step with simple explanations and practical examples.

By the end of this journey, you'll have the skills to effortlessly import, explore, and make sense of data from various sources. So, let's dive into it!


  • A. Importing and Reading Data Files
    • A.1. Reading Data
    • A.2. Naming Columns
    • A.3. Handling Missing Values
    • A.4. Using Different Separators
  • B. Exploring the Data
  • C. Saving the Data

A. Importing and Reading Data Files

Before we start, let's import our Pandas module first.

import pandas as pd
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A.1. Reading Data

Reading data is a fundamental step in data analysis, and Pandas simplifies this process by offering functions for importing data from various sources, including CSV, Excel, and databases.

For this tutorial, I'm going to use a CSV file containing the following data.

John Doe,28,Male,45000,
Jane Smith,35,Female,60000,
Mike Johnson,22,Male,,
Emily Davis,,Female,55000,
Chris Brown,40,,75000,
Anna Lee,27,Female,62000,
David Clark,32,Male,68000,
Sophia Kim,29,Female,51000,
Kevin Wilson,38,Male,,
Linda Johnson,45,Female,72000,
Robert Smith,33,Male,58000,
Mary Wilson,,Female,62000,
William Davis,28,Male,48000,
Jennifer Lee,29,Female,53000,
Michael Brown,36,Male,70000,
Patricia Miller,31,Female,56000,
James Taylor,42,Male,80000,
Karen Anderson,34,Female,,
Joseph Martinez,26,Male,49000,
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As what I mentioned earlier, Pandas has built-in functions for reading different data files. Some of these are read_csv, read_xlsx, read_html, read_json, read_sql, etc.

# filename
csv_url = "data.csv"

# reading CSV files
df = pd.read_csv(csv_url)

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whole data table

By calling the df variable, we can see the data from our source file.

A.2. Naming Columns

As you notice if we call our data table, it sets the first row of text as its column-name/header by default. But in our CSV file, we don't have a header for each column so it set the first row of data as the header. To prevent it from doing so, we can use the header argument and set it to None.

df = pd.read_csv(csv_url, header=None)
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prevent the data table from doing first row header

By setting our header to None, we avoided setting the first row as header and set our header to numbers instead. To give each column a proper header name, we can use the names argument.

df = pd.read_csv(csv_url, header=None, names=["Name", "Age", "Sex", "Income", "Email"])
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Naming column headers

A.3. Handling Missing Values

If we look back at our table, especially in the "Income" column, we will notice some of the missing data have different symbols.

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Income column

You can convert these symbols into NaN by mentioning it in the na_values argument.

df = pd.read_csv(
    names=["Name", "Age", "Sex", "Income", "Email"], 
    na_values=["?", "_", "--"] # replaces the following character with NaN
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Convert character value to NaN

A.4. Using Different Separators

If you ever run into a CSV with a different separator (let's say your data file got - instead of ,), you can use the delimiter or sep argument.

df = pd.read_csv(
    names=["Name", "Age", "Sex", "Income", "Email"], 
    na_values=["?", "_", "--"] # replaces the following character with NaN
    sep="-" # changes separator
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sep and delimiter works the same.

df = pd.read_csv(
    names=["Name", "Age", "Sex", "Income", "Email"], 
    na_values=["?", "_", "--"] # replaces the following character with NaN
    delimiter="-" # changes separator
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You can often use delimiter or sep interchangeably for simple cases where a single character separates values. However, if you need to handle more complex separation patterns or use regular expressions, then sep offers more flexibility.

Here's an example of sep using a regular expression to separate by either a comma or a semicolon:

df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', sep='[,;]')
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B. Exploring the Data

Pandas also have built-in methods for viewing the basic information about our data.
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Basic Data table information

The info(), from the name itself, returns the basic information about the data table, data such as Column, Dtype (data type), etc.

If you want to access the first or last few rows of the table, you can use head() and tail().

# head()
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using head()

# tail()
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using tail()

The head() returns the first rows of the data table while the tail() returns the last rows. They return 5 rows by default.

You can pass a number on both functions to specify how many rows you want to be returned.

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head() with number argument

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tail() with number argument

Here are some more functions that will return basic information:

df.describe() - Generate summary statistics of numeric columns.

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describe() output

df.shape - Get the dimensions of the DataFrame (rows, columns).

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shape() otuput

df['column_name'] - Access a specific column.

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accessing a column

C. Saving Data

After processing your data, you can save it back to a file or a database using Pandas. For example, to save a DataFrame to a CSV file:

df.to_csv('new_data.csv', index=False)
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The index=False argument prevents Pandas from writing the row indices to the CSV file.

Pandas provides a rich set of functions for data manipulation and analysis, making it a powerful tool for working with tabular data in Python.

In conclusion, data reading with Pandas is an essential and powerful skill for data analysts and scientists. This Python library simplifies the process of importing data from various sources, such as CSV files, Excel spreadsheets, and databases, and provides a user-friendly interface for data exploration. By mastering Pandas' data reading capabilities, professionals can efficiently load, manipulate, and analyze datasets, making it a cornerstone of practical data analysis workflows.

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