In honor of #wecoded, we wanted to highlight some resources we found especially helpful so far from the folks under our tag. We appreciate all of you engaging in narratives of what it was like when you first began coding and how we can continue to push forward through barriers to diversity, equity, and inclusion in tech.
We hope you all feel welcome to share your perspective regardless of your experience in coding, I know I am definitely a newbie myself as my experience tends more towards front-end web dev, graphic design, etc. It can be intimidating sharing knowledge/experience when you don't feel like an expert or even an intermediate student quite yet, I feel it.
However, we wanted to extend a hand to say we super want to hear from our newbies this year (me especially because I am one of you!)!
Here are some of our favorite articles so far, to inspire your writing if you choose to share something with us.
Find more information about WeCoded here and share your own story!
We hope that you all are having a great week so far!
And as always, happy coding! ð
Top comments (3)
I feel you in the "sharing knowledge/experience when you don't feel like an expert or even an intermediate student quite yet". One way I avoid the intimidation is I remind myself that I'm not alone then play this lol
Love this!
I completely resonate with the sentiment of feeling like a newbie in the coding world. It's refreshing to see a community that values the perspectives of all skill levels. Excited to explore these resources and contribute my own experiences! #wecoded