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Sloan the DEV Moderator for CodeNewbie

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Focus Strategies: How Can You Enhance Productivity?

Improving focus is a common goal for many. What strategies can individuals employ to enhance their focus, and how might these techniques positively impact their productivity?

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Top comments (7)

kurealnum profile image

Remove all forms of social media, and uninstall any apps that you don't absolutely need (on your phone at least). I've saved so much time by not sitting around, scrolling through TikTok or Youtube, and additionally, I feel a lot happier.

jd2r profile image

This is real. The amount of time I spend watching YouTube every day is atrocious, and I can't help but ponder on how much more productive I could be if these distractions weren't in my life.

kurealnum profile image

Yeah, I used to feel like that a lot. I know I still waste a little bit of time watching YouTube on my PC, but it's pretty minimal, and it brings me enjoyment, so I'm not too bothered. But I'm on my phone roughly 3 hours less a day (down from ~3 hours a day to 30 minutes), and it's totally worth it.

stefanmoore profile image
Stefan Moore

If I remove that from my phone...that means I would have to actually do some work?

jd2r profile image

For me, it's learning to walk away.

Often, I'll spend hours working on a problem to only end up without an answer feeling like garbage. If I take time to get up, stretch, and walk around a bit, I'll come back refreshed and ready to tackle the issue with new energy that I didn't have before.

It seems counterproductive, but it's because every hour of work is different in what you make it. Spending three hours on something doesn't make it any better work than spending 15 minutes on the same thing if you get the same answer.

villelmo profile image
William Torrez

Make exercise, prioritize task and not postpone.

Image description

stefanmoore profile image
Stefan Moore

It's all about mental prep. Before you study mentally get to that place. Nothing will be accomplished if you aren't mentally prepared.