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Sloan the DEV Moderator for CodeNewbie

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Should You Aim to Fit In or Stand Out?

Have you ever found yourself torn between blending in with the crowd or standing out in your coding journey? How did you tackle this dilemma? And which do you think is best for your ultimate success?

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Top comments (5)

kurealnum profile image

Adamantly, I think this is a very "high risk, high reward" situation. On one end, you could fit in with everyone else, not risk anything, and get the average "reward" (whether that be a paycheck, house, etc.). Or, on the other end, you could choose to stand out a lot more, which might expose you to more risk, but would also expose you to a chance for a better "reward".

Without going on and on, I think the sweet spot is somewhere in between these two. Just be yourself!

jordantylerburchett profile image
Jordan-Tyler Burchett

It's good to stay up to date and experiment with what interests others. Doing this will help craft conversations and form relationships, as well as gain the experience of something different which will lead to a more expanded and open mind.

Standing out will sometimes make you noticed by other but it could also make you less relatable. In the end though it doesn't matter whether you're standing out or fitting it, what means the most is that you are comfortable simply being you!

Happy Venturing 😉💭

sagaofsilence profile image

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best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Actually, neither. I will just be myself, whether that means I will fit in or stand out. I like to be me. :)

nandinishinduja profile image
Nandini S Hinduja

Stand out for sure!