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Day 12: Inheritance

NKO here. Today's dive into JavaScript was... well, it wasn't exactly a shell exploit, but it definitely involved some re-wiring. We're talking about inheritance, folks. You know, how one object can inherit the traits of another.

So, here's the thing with inheritance in JavaScript: it ain't like the classes you find in those fancy-schmancy languages. Here, it's all about prototypes, these internal blueprints that objects are based on. And guess what? Objects can look up properties and methods on their prototype if they don't have them themselves. It's a whole chain of command thing, a hierarchy you gotta respect.

Now, the extends keyword, that's our way of saying "Hey, new object! You wanna inherit everything from that old object over there?" It's like creating a new branch from an existing family tree. You get all the inherited goodies, but you can also add your own flavor to the mix.

Speaking of adding your own flavor, that's where the super keyword comes in. Think of it as a way to call the constructor function of the parent object, like a courtesy call before you start overriding all its methods. It's all about respect, you know?

And then there's constructor overloading, which sounds fancy but really just means having multiple constructors for the same class. It's like having different entry points depending on what information you need to provide upfront. You gotta be flexible, gotta adapt to the situation, just like when I gotta hack into a system with different access points depending on the security measures.

So, that's the inheritance story for today. It's all about building on top of what already exists, creating new objects with a family history. Just remember, with great inheritance comes great responsibility. You don't want to inherit any bugs or security vulnerabilities, now do you? Until next time, stay safe out there in the digital jungle.

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