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NEW Personal Portfolio Website Using HTML CSS JavaScript

NEW Personal Portfolio Website Using HTML CSS JavaScript

This video will show you how to build a personal portfolio website using html css javascript

Github Repo

⏱️ Timestamps

0:00 - Demo
3:41 - File structure
4:39 - Project initial
11:53 - Header
29:20 - Hero section
39:50 - About section
48:27 - Project section
1:00:25 - Contact section
1:06:18 - Footer
1:08:29 - Media queries
1:24:26 - Scroll reveal effect

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Top comments (8)

sabihasamha22 profile image
Sabiha Samha

Just Amazing ❤

tokee profile image

Yes this is 🔥

isalahyt profile image

Thank you so much 💕🥰🥰🥰💕

leandrodiascarvalho profile image
leandro dias de carvalho

Agradeço pelas dicas e inspiração

johannchopin profile image

Nice tutorial but I would also recommend putting infos about your Stackoverflow profile 😉 For me it was really helpful during recrutement as a junior. I specially created the stackoverflow-readme-profile project that provides dynamic badges showing your overall ranking on a specific technology 🏆

Recruiters are often impressed when you have higher reputation on SO than them.

rahmathirshad profile image
Rahmath Irshad

When we are going to see projects on reactjs and it’s libraries??? 🤔

devart1st profile image
Isaiah Brown

@sadee I not only enjoyed watching this but helped me understand how I can better my organization between my html and css.

Is it easiest to work from mobile to desktop?
And is the mobile to desktop building technique how you approach most projects?

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miketeddyomondi profile image
Mike Teddy Omondi

When can we expect the individual pages for blog or about

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