I am happy to announce that Cuber is moving from a custom commercial license to a source available license.
An automation tool that simplify the deployment of your apps on Kubernetes.
Deploy your apps on Kubernetes easily.
What is Cuber?
Cuber is an automation tool (written in Ruby) that can package and deploy your apps (written in any language and framework) on Kubernetes.
Unlike other tools that add more options and more complexity to Kubernetes, Cuber is made to simplify and reduce the complexity.
Kubernetes is up to 80% cheaper compared to PaaS like Heroku and you can choose between different cloud providers (no lock-in) It is also reliable and it can scale enterprise applications at any size The only downside is that it's difficult to master Cuber makes Kubernetes simple! In this way you have the simplicity of a PaaS, at the cost of bare infrastructure and without the additional cost of a DevOp team.
First you need to install the prerequisites: ruby
, git
, docker
, pack
, kubectl
Then install Cuber:
In particular we are adopting the Standard Source Available License (SSAL) and you can use Cuber for free for small / medium apps.
Cuber makes it easy to deploy your apps on Kubernetes: just create a Cuberfile
, with ~10 lines of code, and then type cuber deploy
to package and deploy your app on any Kubernetes cluster.
Top comments (2)
That license could use some improvement.
Honestly, unless you are going to hire some lawyers or other copyright experts, you'd probably be best served by copying the whole MIT License and just adding your extra condition to the permission list. You would lose nothing while gaining the comfort and security MIT provides and the extra restriction you've deemed necessary.
Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it!
About using the MIT license directly (that was my first idea) I had a small doubt about the copyright of the license itself: I don't think that there is one, but as a precaution, and in order to create something even more clear, I decided to write everything from scratch.