DEV Community

Arnold Chand
Arnold Chand

Posted on

How do you name your webpack/parcel/etc aliases?

Bundlers such as webpack have an option to replace your relative paths with aliases. I've seen some articles and tutorial where they use either @ prefix or capitalizing the first letter of the relative path, like App/ or Components/.

For me I started using @ prefixes at the beginning but then started to experiment around with # prefixes instead for my projects.

// webpack config
resolve: {
  alias: {
    '#app': './src'
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I'm interested to know what you use as your webpack (or any other bundler) aliases? Or if you don't use them at all?

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// webpack config
resolve: {
  alias: {
    '~src': './src'
// webpack config
resolve: {
  alias: {
    'packageName': './src'