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Suggestions for Contributing to Open Source

Hi! I'm looking for an Open Source Project to contribute to and the search has been daunting. I was supposed to be doing an internship this summer vacation as an upcoming Senior, but I couldn't join the ones I got selected for as I was abroad on a family trip. I'm in a bit of a spot right now, unsure whether I should continue applying for internships or try something else.

I want to contribute to an Open Source Project but I'm not sure what I should commit to. I contributed to a Django-based CMS in the past but I want to branch out and try something else. I know I should be looking for projects that interest me, but a lot of them have a tech stack that I'm unfamiliar with and I'm hesitant to make a time commitment without any guidance or knowledge on how possible it would be. I'm confident that I'll be able to pick up on the stuff required but I'd love it if I'd get some guidance on getting up to speed with the stuff.

I have experience using Python, Django, Containerization, some DevOps practices, and with AWS. I know JS and C++ but don't have much experience with them. I would love to try something different from Back-End Development too.

Do you guys have any recommendations or suggestions for me? Thanks for reading!

Top comments (3)

systemglitch profile image


I see you tagged the post with #go. I can therefore suggest contributing to my Go framework Goyave. We have a few "good first issues" that should be quite easy to tackle. I always try to spend some time with my contributors if they need help or guidance.

vbd profile image
Volker B. Duetsch
jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ • Edited