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Dale Zak
Dale Zak

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Git Aliases Are Like Superpowers

Using Git Aliases can make you feel like you have superpowers!

It wasn’t until recently that I discovered Git Aliases, they are so handy that I seriously don’t know how I lived without them. These are two that I use every day now.

Git Add Commit Push

git config — global alias.add-commit-push '!git add -A && git commit -m "$1" && git push && git status'
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Once the alias has been added you can now add, commit and push all on one line.

git add-commit-push "Add, commit, push in one line!"
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Git New Branch

git config --global '!git checkout -b "$1" && git add -A && git commit -m "$2" && git push -u origin "$1" && git status'
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This alias adds, commits and pushes current changes to a new branch.

git new-branch "123-my-branch" "Checkout, add, commit, push!"
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Checkout the Git documentation for other alias ideas. Enjoy!

Retry later

Top comments (1)

konnorrogers profile image
Konnor Rogers

Nothing super advanced, theres some fancy magic things I could get into, but these are my current git aliases:

# git
alias gaa='git add -A'
alias gdiff='git diff'
alias gcm='git commit -m'
alias gcv='git commit -v'
alias gp='git push'
alias gpu='git push -u'
alias gcob='git checkout -b'
alias gco='git checkout'
alias gm='git merge'
alias gms='git merge --squash'
alias gbr='git branch'
alias gdel='git branch -D'
alias gst='git status'
alias gset='git remote set-url'
alias g-count='git rev-list --count HEAD ^origin'
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I think I have a problem.

g-count is so useful for rebasing branches.

git rebase HEAD~$(g-count) -i

For an interactive rebase on the current branch going the number of commits you have backwards.

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Retry later