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Daniel Rosehill
Daniel Rosehill

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How I Use ChatGPT To Spec Out Hardware Upgrades

Using ChatGPT to Spec Out Hardware Upgrades: A Practical Guide

If you're like me, you've probably been through the tedious process of upgrading your hardware—whether it’s for running local LLMs, boosting GPU power, or simply making your machine more powerful for general use.

In this blog, I'll walk you through my methodology for using ChatGPT to quickly run compatibility checks, spec out upgrades, and even convert dry technical specifications into rich, readable descriptions. This approach is both efficient and surprisingly versatile.

Here’s a quick overview of how it works:

Step 1: Gather Detailed System Specs

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Before you can dive into any upgrade process, you'll need a complete view of your system's current specifications. Since I use Fedora Linux, this requires a few terminal commands. If you’re on Windows, you can easily grab a screenshot of your system specs, or even use built-in tools like msinfo32.

  • Linux (Fedora):

    Commands such as lscpu, lsblk, and lspci can provide detailed information about your CPU, storage devices, and connected hardware.

  • Windows:

    Take screenshots from the system configuration window or export detailed specs using tools like Speccy.

Step 2: Create a JSON from Your System Configuration

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Next, I ask ChatGPT to convert my system specifications into a JSON format. While this step isn’t strictly necessary, it has some major advantages. By standardizing my system information into machine-readable JSON, I can easily reference or share it across various platforms or LLMs. I also maintain a GitHub repository where I store these JSON files, making it easier to track changes over time and version control the data. You could call this a primitive form of RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation).


  • JSON is universal and can be read by both humans and machines.
  • It helps structure the data so it's reusable in different contexts (not tied to a specific LLM).
  • JSON ensures consistency when analyzing or upgrading multiple machines.

Example JSON Structure:

    "cpu": "Intel i7-9700K",
    "ram": "32GB DDR4",
    "gpu": "NVIDIA GTX 1070",
    "storage": {
        "ssd": "1TB NVMe",
        "hdd": "2TB"
    "motherboard": "MSI Z390"
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Step 3: Version Control Your System Configurations

To keep track of these JSON configurations, I store them in GitHub repositories. This allows me to:

  1. Keep versions of system specs over time.
  2. Access these files from anywhere.
  3. Share the JSON with any LLM easily.

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In some ways, this setup mirrors how retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) works, where you retrieve relevant data snippets and pass them through a context window. By keeping a record of my hardware specs, I can always reference them when checking for compatibility or upgrades.

Step 4: Query ChatGPT for Hardware Recommendations

Now, the fun part begins. with your JSON file generated, you can drop this into ChatGPT and start asking for detailed hardware recommendations.

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An example output:

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Benefits Of This Approach

  • The LLM is able to very quickly and easily make holistic assessments of your hardware considering all components.
  • This system works exceptionally well to identify constraints that various system components might pose (for example: PSU supply, RAM constraint on motherboard etc).

Whether you're looking for a GPU upgrade, a better motherboard, or just general cost estimates for adding more RAM, ChatGPT can quickly evaluate your system's specs and make suggestions based on your needs.

Here are some prompts I use regularly:

  1. Evaluate Local LLM Capabilities:

    "Can you evaluate the capability of my hardware for running local LLMs? What's the most powerful local LLM I could run on this current build?"

  2. Upgrade GPU for Image Generation:

    "Please evaluate the capability of my hardware for running image generation LLMs. Can you suggest some GPU upgrades and provide a price point for each?"

  3. Upgrade Motherboard:

    "I'd like to upgrade to a better motherboard. What are some options that would be compatible with my system?"

  4. List Hardware Constraints:

    "Please generate a document that lists all the constraints posed by my current hardware. For example, the maximum RAM that my motherboard will allow."

  5. Estimate RAM Costs:

    "Please provide approximate costs for updating my RAM. I'd like an estimate for adding 32GB of RAM and another estimate for maxing out the RAM to the capacity of my motherboard."

The Benefits of Using ChatGPT for Hardware Upgrades

  1. Instant Compatibility Checks:

    By feeding system configurations to ChatGPT, you can quickly verify which hardware components are compatible with your current setup.

  2. Quick Decision-Making:

    Get recommendations for hardware upgrades without manually comparing long spec sheets. ChatGPT turns technical data into readable insights.

  3. Cost Estimates:

    If you’re trying to stay within a budget, ChatGPT can provide rough cost estimates for various components, helping you make informed purchasing decisions.

  4. Readable Technical Descriptions:

    ChatGPT can convert dry spec sheets into rich narratives, explaining hardware features and limitations in simple terms.


By following this methodology, you can quickly and efficiently check hardware compatibility and plan upgrades. Whether you're running Fedora Linux, Windows, or any other OS, this process is adaptable. And by storing your hardware configs in JSON format and version-controlling them via GitHub, you ensure that your system data is always accessible and well-organized.

The next time you're considering a hardware upgrade, try using ChatGPT to help you spec it out. You'll save time, avoid potential compatibility headaches, and make more informed decisions on your next purchase!

Feel free to adapt these steps and prompts for your specific needs.

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