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Darren Horwitz
Darren Horwitz

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advanced terraform conditionals

Recently, I had found a new sort of pattern of being able to work around the fact that terraform does not have any method of creating your own functions in configuration files, which resulted in this pattern that I am about to present to you.

Disclaimer, this is a bit overkill normal configurations and this came from the need in our team to create a module that is composed of submodules(which need to be conditionally deployed based on the variable inputs of the parent module). Now I know this post is not about why you should or shouldn't compose submodules into a parent module, that's up to you and your team . And obviously there are tradeoffs for that sort of decision.


Simple conditional deployments

You may skip to 'conditional deployments using objects' if you already know this stuff.

Typically when you want to conditionally deploy a resource/module, you would make use of a count in the resource/module.

such as below:

variable "create_vpc" {
 type = bool
 value = false

resource "aws_vpc" "main" {
  count = var.create_vpc ? 1 : 0
  cidr_block = ""
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This will create the vpc , if the create_vpc variable is true (by creating one instance of the aws_vpc.main resource) ; else it will not create the vpc resource i.e. 0.

There are other ways of utilising this pattern such as doing a count using the length of some string variable, a list, or using a for_each for a map/set .

length of string

variable "some_string" {
 type = string
 value = ""
resource "aws_vpc" "main" {
  count = length(var.some_string) !=0 ? 1 : 0
  cidr_block = ""
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length of list

variable "some_list" {
 type = list(any)
 value = []
resource "aws_vpc" "main" {
  count = length(var.some_list)
  cidr_block = ""
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this one can potentially create n vpcs depending on how many elements are provided in the list.

using a map

variable "some_map" {
 type = map(any)
 value = {}
resource "aws_vpc" "main" {
  for_each = var.some_map
  cidr_block = ""
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this one can potentially create n vpcs depending on how many key pairs are provided in the map.

conditional deployments using objects and locals

Now we are going to step it up a notch by using nested turnery statements with objects.

nested twice

So say you have some object like such:

variable "foo" {
  type = object({
    bar = optional(bool, true)
  default = null

resource "aws_vpc" "single" {
  count = != null ? 1 : 0
  cidr_block = ""

resource "aws_vpc" "nested" {
  count = != null ? ? 1 : 0 : 0
  cidr_block = ""
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In this example, if foo is not being passed a value then it will result in null. Which means, both the aws_vpc.nested and aws_vpc.single resources will not get deployed as the variable (foo) is null.

If we pass an object , aws_vpc.single will get deployed as it not null.

This next explanation of the aws_vpc.nested resource will assume you know how optional functions work but if not I'll explain by means of a short example:

if you passed an empty object to the variable "foo" as such foo = {} , this would result property bar in foo taking the default value of true like such: 'foo = { bar = true}' . You can override this default value , when passing in a object with the respective properties. The docs probably do a better explanation that this so you can read it over here :

So given that foo is not null then we can do an additional turnery expression on a property of the object, in this case bar.

What the count statement is saying , given that foo is not null and bar is true , then create one instance of this vpc resource.

you can view it like such

resource "aws_vpc" "nested" {
  count = != null ? 
            ? 1 : 0 
                  : 0
  cidr_block = ""
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*I know this is not legit terraform syntax

or like this

function deployVpc(foo){
  if (foo != null){
      return 1
      return 0
    return 0

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The reason we can't use && logic expressions ( != null && ? 1 : 0 ) is because it will fail at deployment time because you can't access a property on null variable. This is, of course, if the foo variable is null.

nested three times

the same sort of logic can apply to below

variable "foo" {
  type = object({
    bar = optional(object({
      baz= optional(bool,true)
  default = null

resource "aws_vpc" "nested" {
  count = != null ? != null ? ? 1 : 0 : 0 : 0
  cidr_block = ""

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Now doing this is overkill, and you should only resort to it as an anti pattern. Rather, keep the conditional logic as simple as possible.

the actual advanced implementation

So, the real reason why we have this sort of pattern is because our team typically works with a multi account setup in aws particularly. So we need to deploy a whole bunch of baseline resources that should be part of each account by default.

We found this pattern emerging with our network baseline implementation of the baseline module where we have transit gateway present and it is used for spoke vpcs' in another account and spoke vpcs' that may be present in the networking account.

So how this pattern would look like in practice would be as follows:

variable "network" {
  type = object({
    tgw = optional(object({
      create_tgw                   = bool
      exisiting_transit_gateway_id = optional(string, "")

    vpc = optional(object({
      cidr             = string
      azs              = list(string)
      tgw_subnet_cidrs = list(string)

locals {
  deploy_vpc   = != null ? != null ? true : false : false
  tgw_not_null = != null ? != null ? true : false : false
  deploy_tgw   = local.tgw_not_null ? ? true : false : false

resource "aws_ec2_transit_gateway" "this" {
  count = local.deploy_tgw ? 1 : 0
  # ... other vars

resource "aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" "this" {
  count              = local.deploy_vpc && local.tgw_not_null ? 1 : 0
  subnet_ids         = [for subnet in aws_subnet.tgw :]
  transit_gateway_id = local.deploy_tgw ? aws_ec2_transit_gateway.this[0].id :
  vpc_id             = aws_vpc.this[0].id
resource "aws_subnet" "tgw" {
  count      = local.deploy_vpc && local.tgw_not_null ? length( : 0
  cidr_block =[count.index]

resource "aws_vpc" "this" {
  count = local.deploy_vpc ? 1 : 0
  # ... other vars

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Setting aside implementation of the above resources and the fact that there are plenty of resources that missing to make this complete.

This will deploy a vpc based on the vpc property in the network variable. Similarly, a transit gateway will be deployed if it is present and create_tgw is true.

Inside of the transit gateway attachment resource, one can see that its only dependent on the fact that a vpc is being deployed and that the tgw object in the network object is not null. This means that, one is either passing in an existing tgw id or using the one that has been created.

If the tgw object is null and the vpc object is not null then only a standalone vpc will be deployed based on the current logic.

Pseudo Functions

I Like to think of locals as pseudo functions because they return a value, based on the variables/resources that have been configured.

You can see how nifty they are when trying to separate messy logic that can make your file extend horizontally, which in turn makes it less readable.

I think a good use case of using the pseudo functions are for scenarios that are quite deterministic i.e. the true/false scenarios, but they can be used to further separate the logic complex turnery statements. Or even build up some strings or separate for logic.

Closing thoughts

Try to avoid this sort complexity, but if you do need something to do a bit of heavy lifting for you: look to use 'psuedo functions' to make your code a little bit more readable.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I did writing it.


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