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David Bosah
David Bosah

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Utilising Your Mind for a better programming Experience

Brief Overview of how Psychology and Tech Intertwine

The Mind is an infinite space comprising of thoughts and illusions, both the true and untrue ones. The truth is whether we like it or not the difference faces you see everyday possess completely different thought processes, temperament structure and adaptability patterns.

All these parameters are part of what describes the complexities of the mind we possess. Imagine that for reasons beyond comprehension, you could have a set of twins having completely different tastes in fashion, food choices and even choice of women.

The fact that we possess these level of disparities in these little things shows how much we are different even in large parameters like programming. This is to tell you that you may be a front end developer presently practicing your Java script and you may feel your present struggles are because you are are daft in tech not knowing that your struggles are because you are trying to copy the patterns that your tech mentor indulges without realising that the pattern used by this mentor is particular to his/her mind and whether you like it or not the development of any skill is subjective just as much as it is objective.

Defining your mind to yourself

Now you have understood that the mental disparities we possess is evident in the way and manner we go about different tasks as humans, the next thing to understand is how your own mind works for yourself.

To achieve this you need thorough introspection. You are the one that have lived your life not me so you need to ask yourself certain questions but I will dish out good guidelines to help you do this before we start getting answers.

Think of one very crucial activity you have learnt as a person over the years, it could be swimming, arithmetic, cycling, board games like chess, video games, just anything. Single this thing out in your mind and answer the following questions about your experience learning it;

  1. Did I learn this in a very strict environment?

  2. Did I prefer when the learning atmosphere was very relaxed and jovial?

  3. Whenever the activity involved collaboration with a fellow learner, did I prefer it?

Don't write the answers of this questions anywhere, just store them in your head.

The idea of this is just to understand the type of work pattern that suits you. You need to be conscious of what style of learning you are used to and utilize it in your programming journey.

Your Mind and Your Tech Development

The way your mind works is begining to make sense to you, now it's time to understand how to make use of it for work.

Whether it's C++, Javascript or HTML You definitely have someone or people you look up to in the field, persons that mentor you directly or indirectly. While this is good you need to understand the need to give yourself space to express your own personal "self" in tech.

Even if your programming mentor louds the need to spend long straight hours working on projects for instance, you need to know that if what works for you is little hours then intermittent breaks you should confidently go ahead with it because at the end of the day, what improves efficiency is what works for you.

Take note of the following areas in ensuring you implement what works for you:

  1. Your pattern of productive work while coding: Long hours, or short hours and breaks between.

  2. The type of music that makes your workflow more efficient, or NO music at all if that makes it better

  3. The type of mood you need on for better productivity: Super happy, calm or very serious.

  4. The type of environment you need to be productive: Very quiet, slightly quiet, turbulent or mix of calm and chaos.

Top comments (1)

martinbaun profile image
Martin Baun

Very unique, especially on here!