DEV Community

David Ortega
David Ortega

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Make Jetbrains IDEs development faster🚀

Easy to remember shortcuts for WebStorm / PHPStorm / PyCharm

When programming, depending on the job you are doing, you will be using a code editor or an IDE, personally, I use PHPStorm from Jetbrains it has been the best one and it integrates everything I need. (This is not a promoted post, I promise).

As I have been doing pair-programming with some colleagues I have seen that some of them don't know some very easy yet powerful tricks that jetbrains IDEs have to make development speed faster, so, in this post, I'll show you the best ones I use.

Start searching for DC instead of DefaultController

This example might be silly, but with your IDE, you can search classes by just typing the uppercase letters of a class, for example, instead of writting "DefaultController" you can just write DC (even in lowercase):

Example image of how it looks like in the IDE

It has improved the speed of some of my colleagues a lot when searching through classes that have very long names (Looking at you SuperDuperAwesomeFeatureService).

There is a easier way to move between two files

If you ever had to be checking between two files (maybe one is sending an array of data to the other and you don't remember the keys from it), you might be going back and forth looking for the file between your tabs. Well, Ctrl+E will make your life a lot easier!

Image representation of the menu that is opened when using CTRL+E

It automatically points to the last file you opened, so just hitting Enter will allow you to go to the last file. If you're moving between three of them and want to go to the first one, just use the down arrow and you're good to go!

Help the author

As this is one on my first post on the platform, I'd like to know your opinion on this shortcuts, did you know them? Do you use this IDE? And also if you would like more in-depth posts about this or other topics.

Thanks a lot for reading, read you in the comments!

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