I want to republish the coronavirus analytics platform
New features :
Live analytics - data updated in every 15 m. It comes from John Hopkins university repo and Worldometers.
Location-based content - based on your location, the corresponding country will be highlighted and corresponding language will be set.
Predictions - Predictions are made using polynomial regression function. 1,2,3 orders of regressions are applied, with rSquared more than 0.9. It lets you see what will happen in one week.
Mobile-Friendly - 50% of viewers were using mobile phones.
It does have one weak point, which is translation. I translated words in different languages using google translate, so they won't be perfect. Here is the translation file
Translate.csv on Github (Pull requests welcome)
As before, you can again check the country and continent level statistics and travel through time.
I don't usually like to republish things, but I spent so much time on this, I can't just let it go unnoticed.
I would appreciate your feedback
Top comments (23)
Really good work! Just few issues. Most probably library that you use to translate GUI translates country Turkey to indyk which means in polish the bird turkey, also the name of the month is wrong.
I know about the wrong month name, plan to fix it. I did not know about the country name though, I will also fix it
I updated post and included a link to the translation file. You are welcome to send PR if you notice other irregularities in translations
This is amazing! Thanks!
Great work!
A big fan of your work..
Good work. Just sent a PR.
Thank you, merged it
Amazing work David!!! 😷 Love it!
Coolio..... Why India though ? 🙄
It shows the country where the user is visiting the website from.
Great work!
Great work! Looks superb.
Excellent work! Thanks a lot for sharing