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The Misuse of Logical Operators

While completing a challenge for a course that I am taking, I came across an issue for the first time. I discovered a common pitfall in misusing the logical OR (||) operator within conditional statements, which can lead to unexpected behavior in your code. This blog post looks into this issue, clarifies the solution, and explains the underlying principles I used to understand the problem. We will then look at a second example to help you understand better.

The Problem at Hand
Consider the following JavaScript function intended to validate a user's choice in a simple Rock, Paper, Scissors game:

function getUserChoice(userInput) {
  userInput = userInput.toLowerCase();
  if (userInput === "rock" || "paper" || "scissors") {
    return userInput;
  } else {
    console.log("This is not one of the 3 choices: rock, paper, or scissors.");
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At first glance, the function aims to check if the userInput is one of the three choices. However, it contains a logical error. The condition in the if statement doesn't work as expected due to my misunderstanding of how the logical OR operator evaluates each operand.

Unraveling the Issue
The root of the problem lies in the evaluation of the logical OR expressions. The mistaken belief is that userInput === "rock" || "paper" || "scissors" would evaluate each string against userInput. However, due to how JavaScript treats truthy and falsey values, the condition incorrectly always evaluates to true after the first non-empty string.

In JavaScript, the logical OR (||) operator returns the first operand if it is truthy; otherwise, it proceeds to evaluate and return the second operand. Since non-empty strings are truthy, "paper" is returned as soon as the user-input === "rock" comparison is false, effectively ignoring the intended comparison to "paper" and "scissors."

The Solution
To correct this error, each choice must be explicitly compared to userInput:

if (userInput === "rock" || userInput === "paper" || userInput === "scissors") {
  return userInput;
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This revised condition accurately checks if userInput matches any of the valid options by ensuring each logical OR operation involves a comparison between userInput and a valid choice.

Underlying Principles
Two fundamental concepts help us understand and rectify the issue:

  1. Truthy and Falsey Values: In JavaScript, values like non-empty strings are considered truthy, while others (e.g., 0, null, undefined, NaN, "") are falsey. Knowing this helps predict how expressions in logical operations will be evaluated.

  2. Operator Precedence and Associativity: JavaScript operators have a specific precedence that determines the order in which parts of an expression are evaluated. Comparison operators (===) have higher precedence than logical operators (||), meaning they are evaluated first. Logical OR operations are then evaluated from left to right due to their left-associativity.

Another Example in Action
Let's consider another common scenario where misunderstanding logical operators can lead to bugs:

let age = 25;

if (age > 18 || "adult" || "minor") {
  console.log("Access granted.");
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At first, it might seem this code intends to check if the person is an adult and then print "Access granted." However, due to the reasons previously discussed, this condition will always be true because "adult" is a truthy value.

The correct approach to implement conditional behavior based on age would be to use proper comparison and logical operators:

let age = 25;

if (age > 18) {
  console.log("Access granted. Status: adult");
} else {
  console.log("Access denied. Status: minor");
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Understanding the nuances of logical operators and operator precedence in JavaScript is crucial for writing bug-free code. By dissecting the common mistake of misusing the logical OR operator, we've seen how a deeper comprehension of JavaScript's evaluation rules can prevent logical errors. As a new developer, it's essential to continually refine understanding of these fundamental concepts to enhance the reliability and readability of my code.

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