DEV Community

Denys Menfredy
Denys Menfredy

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Reuse a MongoDB connection with NodeJS

In this article, I want to show you how to reuse a MongoDB connection across routes on a NodeJS project. I'm doing this post because I was developing a project using the MongoDB official driver for node and I struggled to reuse my connection since the official docs of MongoDB show a way to use just in one file.
So, first, we need to install the mongodb driver for nodejs, you can do that using the commando below:

npm install mongodb --save
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Connecting to MongoDB

Now that we installed the driver, we can start implementing the db connection, in order to do that, we'll create a file called db.js:


Using the connection anywhere we want

Now, we can use this connection anywhere in our code by just importing this method, let's see how it works!
We will now create a file app.js as an example to use the database connection.
In order to implement the routes, we'll express.js, a minimalist web framework for node, you can install using the command below:

npm install express
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Our app.js file will look like this:

We'll get a JSON response that will be something like this:

JSON Response


That's it, we now can use this connection anywhere in our code!
Thanks for reading this article!

Top comments (1)

vishalsinghcedcoss profile image
Vishal Singh

You're closing the connection after every operation and creating a new connection. How is it reusing the connection?