DEV Community

Andres Urdaneta
Andres Urdaneta

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How to change App ID/Package Name for Android app built with React Native

When uploading a bundled version of your Android app to Google Play Console, you might need to change your Package Name / Application ID to satisfy Google Play Console rules.

If you are getting an error like the following (or something similar)

You need to use a different package name because "com.***.***.***" already exists in Google Play
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Then try out the following steps.

Change Package Name / Application ID in Android app built with React Native.

  • In VSCode go to the Search


  • Enter your current Package Name / Application ID in the search text input.

NOTE: If you don't know what's your current Package Name / Application ID, you can find it within the android/app/build.gradle file, in the applicationId field. In my case, the current Package Name / Application ID is com.papitas.

  • Enter the path to your android directory in the files to include text input.

In my case my android directory lives under projectrootdir/apps/mobile/android yours could be different,

Files to include

This will display all the instances of the string com.papitas.

  • Use the "Replace" text input to replace your current Package Name / Application ID for the new one.

Replace old package name for new one

That's it!

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