As I do a deep dive into web3, anything security related gains my attention.
I saw a tweet about Zero Knowledge proofs and off I went down the rabbit hole. That's how I found the Zero Knowledge Proofs MOOC.
MOOC - a course of study made available over the internet without charge to a very large number of people. "anyone who decides to take a MOOC simply logs on to the website and signs up"
I signed up. I joined the Discord channel. Let the games begin.
Week 1-2 - Great intro
Week 3 - My favourite week as we had two tutorials to complete.
CIRCOM - The circom compiler and its ecosystem of tools allows you to create, test and create zero knowledge proofs for your circuits.
ARKWORKS - is a Rust ecosystem for zkSNARK programming. Libraries in the arkworks ecosystem provide efficient implementations of all components required to implement zkSNARK applications
I documented the tutorials:-
Top comments (1)
You're making web3 a safer place, Judith. Thanks to you we say WAGMI with more confidence and comfort!!!!