Submissions for the Deepgram Hackathon on DEV are due on April 11 at 11:59 PM UTC.

Join us for a new kind of hackathon on DEV — brought to you by Deepgram! staff for The DEV Team ・ Mar 10 '22
Deepgram's AI takes an audio file or audio stream and converts it into written text, providing a transcript and other information about the transcribed data. With their revolutionary end-to-end, Deep Learning technology that includes language support, Deepgram makes sure that every voice is heard and understood by providing fast and accurate transcripts.
The Deepgram Hackathon on DEV is your chance to explore this technology by building an app and giving us a tour of it, writing an essay post about Deepgram here on DEV, or both! We're also offering prizes for folks who don't want to build or write anything but are willing to cheer participants on in a variety of ways
Full details and rules for participating in the Deepgram Hackathon on DEV can be found here.
If you've already published your submission, fantastic! We can't wait to review your entry, and we thank you for contributing your time and imagination to enhance the open source ecosystem for all of us.
You're also invited to submit multiple times and enter into both the "Build" and "Innovative Ideas" challenges — why limit yourself!
If you get stuck at any point, refer to the help thread where the Deepgram team is actively engaged. If you simply want to connect or bounce ideas off other participants, the community discussion thread is the place to do so.
Happy coding, writing, and motivating 👋
Top comments (16)
We're livestreaming every Friday on our DeepgramDevs Twitch at 1:30pm EDT/ 5:30 PM UTC, reviewing projects, answering questions, and dropping ideas!
Awesome! Would you like to review mine? How do I get to you?
Finished my mvp today. Will submit by end of next week. Good luck to everyone. I was excited seeing Deepgram working for the first time, indeed :-)
Can't wait to see it!
I have a couple more ideas which i'll have to do after 1st april, because exams are going on
I'll try to submit all of them, or atleast make an innovative ideas post about it.
I know, im not eligible for prizes but playing with deepgram api is really fun haha
Haha, same here bro, exams are such a take-away-my-time thing for high schoolers, barely able to balance marks and hobbies...
Just finishing up with my second project to submit for the hachathon! I'm really excited for this one and also I want to finish as soon as possible to release v2 of the first project and start with project number three :D Thank you for this great opportunity!
Wow, that's awesome! Can't wait to see your second one! And THIRD!
Can't wait to see all the submissions! Good luck, everyone!
desperately waiting to see the Winner
I'm so excited to participate. I wish I had more time to work on my submissions... good luck everyone, have fun!
Don't forget that we also have a no-code category! So if you want to write a blogpost about your idea, use the Innovative Ideas challenge.
hello, this is my first hackathon :), question, can I submit more than one project?
Yes! You most certainly can :)