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How Can You Prioritize What Matters Most Outside of Work?

How do you prioritize activities that align with your personal values outside of work? Tell us more! Share your strategies for maintaining a balance between your core values and your daily commitments.

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Top comments (3)

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

Right now I am finding a lot of peace in making sure that I read for at least an hour every day (normally I do not hit this goal, but it is a good reminder for me!). I find that focusing on one task that is a goal of mine helps all of the other broad-life-goals-for-wellbeing fall into place.

meowy profile image
Sush - aka meowy

I think it depends, for me I enjoy some hobbies outside of my work and spending quality time with my loved ones(including my cat).
I think the part is to maintain a healthy sleep schedule first, then working during the hours and after that I sometimes spend 1-2 hours more trying to learn some new concepts. After that I still have plenty time to enjoy hobbies and also spend time with family and friends.
Because I have ADHD, there are low, mid and high energy days. So I try to be kind to myself on low energy days and getting the minimum work done.

gabrielbabler profile image
Gabriel Babler

One thing that became important for me and my wife is taking care of our health.
So, I reserve 2 hours per day to work out + lunch - it helps me a lot, gives me the energy to work, and makes me more alert to do my tasks.
Also, I feel the necessity of learning new things, so I'm trying to use my spare time during my work hours to do it, instead of doing it at night. This way, I can spend more time with my wife, watching series or doing anything we want to - which really matters to me.