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Cover image for Looking Back on Our First DEV Community Bug Smash
Christina Gorton for The DEV Team

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Looking Back on Our First DEV Community Bug Smash

In May, the Forem team launched our first DEV Community Bug Smash. This community-wide collaboration was all about improving the Forem repository, encouraging more contributions from the community, and having fun in the process. Thank you to everyone who participated by smashing bugs and helping other contributors with their questions!

DEV Community Members who Smashed Bugs!

Eli H Schei (@elischei)

”I've been coding for years, but I'm new to the whole open source thing so I decided that the bugsmash would be a fun way to get more involved.”

Eli took the time to investigate two of the bugs in our repository. Their investigation led to them finding out that both of those bugs were no longer valid!

Check out Eli’s post to learn more about their first contribution.

Bugs Eli Smashed πŸ›

Embedding comment in results in broken HTML #4079

Describe the bug

On my post a regular comment was posted (albeit with Japanese characters in their profile) but when I embed their comment in my profile it shows broken HTML 4 tags

post (broken): comment (not broken:


Screenshot 2019-09-22 at 17 54 52

Podcast episodes not processing HTML #8757

processed_html for recent podcast episodes is nil.... The body which is the raw content returned from the RSS, is present. So something is wrong with our pipeline.


Joe Avila (@javila35)

β€œMy biggest challenge in contributing to open source is believing in myself.”

Joe helped fix a recurring error for our comment component. While working on this PR, the team was able to identify another issue that will be worked on separately. To see what bug Joe worked on and how he smashed it check out his post.

Arun-kc (@arunkc)

β€œThe community members were really helpful and encouraging. Especially rhymes, I'm really thankful for your help.”

Arun-kc helped create a fix for a more readable β€œpublished date” for people using our API.
They are new to contributing to open source. Check out their post to learn more about their experience and reflections after their first contribution.

Monica Mateiu (@metamoni)

β€œApart from the warm, fuzzy feeling that you've done something nice, the most valuable thing you'll get from open source contributions are the lessons you'll learn.”

Monica chose a bug that many community members had commented on already. They took the time to read through the discussions before coming up with a good solution to smash the bug. You can read more about their experience and how they implemented a fix in their post.

Future Bug Smash Events

Thanks again to everyone who participated and helped clean up Forem's repository. Keep an eye out for more Bug Smash events in the near future.

In the meantime, if you would like to learn more about contributing to open source check out this stream from @nickytonline and me.

You can also check out this wonderful post by DEV community member @ceeoreo

Latest comments (5)

elischei profile image
Eli H. Schei

This was so much fun! And I actually ended up contributing to another open source project as well! Because I had such a good experience with the bug smash πŸ˜„

coffeecraftcode profile image
Christina Gorton

Amazing! Congrats on your other contribution as well Eli πŸ™Œ

elischei profile image
Eli H. Schei

Thanks πŸ˜„

arunkc profile image
Arun K C

Thank you for coming up with such awesome events!! πŸ’œ Glad to be part of this event ✌️

coffeecraftcode profile image
Christina Gorton

Thank you so much for participating and for being a part of our OSS community πŸ’œ