Submissions for the MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV are due on December 8th at 11:59 PM UTC.

Announcing the MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV!
Brian Bethencourt for The DEV Team ・ Nov 8 '22
If you've been a member of the DEV community for a while, you've likely encountered articles by the talented team over at MongoDB. But have you explored MongoDB Atlas? It’s more than a database, it’s a full developer data platform offering built-in data services for full-text search, analytics, data visualizations, edge-to-cloud sync and more.
The MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV is an opportunity to harness MongoDB Atlas to build a new application, write a post about it on DEV (your "submission"), and share your work with the world! In doing so, you'll earn a limited-edition profile badge and a DEV sticker pack. You'll also be eligible to win up to $1,000 USD in cash, up to $300 USD towards the Forem Shop, and lots more. 🔥
Full details and rules for participating in the MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV can be found here.
Don't forget to submit your project by December 8th!
If you get stuck at any point, please refer to the help thread which the DEV and MongoDB teams are monitoring. If you instead just want to connect or swap ideas with other participants, the community discussion thread is the spot to do just that!
If you've already published your submission, great job! Our judges look forward to reviewing your project. Thanks for participating. You're also invited to submit multiple times if you wish!
Happy coding!
Top comments (1)
Yes! Working on it! Glad to be a part of the MongoDB Atlas X DEV Hackathon