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Talking to Yourself in 2024

Discuss the habits of emotionally fit people, particularly the aspect of talking to oneself more. How can this habit positively impact your personal and professional life?

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Top comments (5)

fyodorio profile image

When you talk to yourself, others think you're a weirdo and don't touch you, which is definitely beneficial...

sagaofsilence profile image

This inner voice creates an internal monologue throughout the day by combining conscious thoughts with pre-existing opinions and biases. Self-talk is crucial because it influences how you feel and what you do. It can be positive and motivating, or it can be negative and undermine your confidence.

So hum and sing, dear friend, let self-talk be your guide,
Through sunshine and through shadows, happiness inside.

syxaxis profile image
George Johnson

I tend to go for walks along around 4am in the morning, clears my head and gives me focus, I'll often find that 'cos the streets are clear I'll catch myself muttering to myself and gesticulating while I'm walking and thinking over stuff.

My wife has often remarked that she'll look over at me and see my lips mouthing incoherent whispers while I'm deep in thought. She says that when I'm deep in sleep I apprently talk at a incredibly rapid rate, she estimated it was something like 3-4 times normal speaking speed, I often wake up thirsty and coughing and my jaw aches! LOL!

I'm 52 now and as an only child and a family that moved every few years i was often alone, so I just started finding solace in self conversaiton to solve porblems. When I was around 20 I asked a psychologist if talking to yourself was normal, they said it's perfectly normal and it shows how locked into the subject you are. that you can hold coherent thoughts from different persepctives simultaneously.

These days i'm just used to people thinking I'm a weirdo and my wife thinks it's all down to how passionate I get about certain subjects, she's got no problem and says it's just who I am!

kaiilja profile image
Kai-ilja Görg

I'll tend to talk (even loud) to/for myself, to practice a overdue dialog with colleagues or partners. For me it also is a parameter of my current stress level.
Someone once told to dare speaking loud, because hearing the spoken words will give us a higher chance to figure if our thoughts are correct or nonsense. Did fit for me, despite I never had problems using my native german vocabulary in full range :)

stefanmoore profile image
Stefan Moore

I like talking to's others I have issues with...😅🤣😂.

We all have that inner monolog about something how it manifest itself is another conversation.