1. One small step 👣🌙
Celebrating the brave JavaScript developers who changed web-development forever. Looking at the origins of JSON, Promises, and other game-changing advancements.

That's one small step for a developer, one giant leap for the web
stereobooster ・ Sep 22 '18
2. Branch management 🌴
Darío introduces a few git branching strategies that will help you stay organized and collaborate effectively.
3. Finally 🤞
Anna talks about finally
and the differences of how its used in Promises vs. try/catch.
4. Readable Code 📖
Jason distills 20 years of experience into 10 practices for writing code that is more readable and less complex.

10 practices for writing readable code
Jason McCreary ・ Sep 18 '18
5. You the real MVP 🏆
Tiffany talks MVPs (minimum viable products), explaining the benefits of building in the open, fighting perfectionism, and more.
Article No Longer Available
6. Why you should be hiring junior developers 🙌🏽
The "we only hire seniors" strategy is wrong on so many levels. Isaac breaks down why your company should be reaping the benefits of hiring junior developers.
Article No Longer Available
7. ❄ Bundle Up ❄
Ever wonder what's actually going on under the hood with Webpack? Adarsh dives in with helpful diagrams and examples.
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Monday!
Top comments (2)
Thanks! Very useful links.
Nice. Dang, I thought I was this close to making to another popular posts thread. Next time with #OneDevMinute — hopefull. 🙌