Every Monday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week. β€οΈ
1. Dino Days Are Over
Johan, a senior developer, felt like they had to 'start all over again' - this is a story about breaking old habits, getting up to speed, and all the learnings along the way.

How to not be a dinosaur.
Johan van Tongeren for MyOnlineStore γ» Nov 13 '19
2. Less JavaScript
Adrian shares a list of UI elements that can be created using only CSS - tool tips, text truncation, toggles, and more.
3. Let's Play
Francesco shares several CSS games for those who prefer learning through gamification! There are Flexbox games, CSS grid games, and more.

πͺ Train your CSS skills with online games πΎ
Francesco Leardini γ» Nov 15 '19
4. Proceed With Care
Martin shows us an example of the Same-Origin Policy and how we can use CORS to allow cross-origin requests when required.
5. Malicious Programs
Want to render ransomeware inept? Victoria shares their low-tech solution.

A cron job that could save you from a ransomware attack
Victoria Drake γ» Nov 13 '19
6. Lighter & Faster
Sarthak explains why they started using Sublime Text again, and which plugins they found helpful for a seamless switch.
Article No Longer Available
7. Every. Single. Day.
Mateusz shares the Linux commands and tricks they use on a daily basis - from port forwarding to reading logs.

Linux's commands and tricks I'm using in my daily job as a developer
Mateusz Jarzyna γ» Nov 11 '19
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Monday!
Top comments (3)
Awesome achievement to top off my 16-week streak. Thank you very much!
Aww yeah!
Supplemental materials on CORS for that #4 that did not make the cut are here ;)
know thy CORS, glitch & fetch! :)
dataPixy γ» Nov 17 γ» 1 min read
It's all hands-on js labs :) ...
Cheers to this weekly round winners!