Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week.
An incredible gesture
@devdevcharlie used the MediaPipe handpose detection machine learning model to try to use it to create UIs. In this post, they show the result of a quick prototype built in a few hours. Amazing.

Building UIs in Figma with hand movements
Charlie Gerard ・ Jan 20 '22
Lights, camera, contrast
"Spending even a small amount of time reviewing your UI for high contrast issues and fixing the highest impact items will go a long way to distinguish your product from others for high contrast users."
Thanks for this post, Matt! I learned so much from it and I think others will, too 😊

An Introduction to High Contrast Accessibility
Matt Priour ・ Jan 19 '22
Time is precious
Here's a look at some crucial usages of object destructuring, that, in @atapas' opinion, you must know to save you time and make you a more efficient dev.

JavaScript object destructuring usages you must know
Tapas Adhikary ・ Jan 18 '22
Ready, set, dashboard
@ironcladdev shows you a way around using Wordpress over your favorite stack without requiring you to spend hours "sweating your brain out coding an admin dashboard". Let's take a look

Adding a Next.js Administration Dashboard to your site in seconds
Conner Ow ・ Jan 17 '22
Watch, read, and learn
@techworld_with_nana explains what DevOps really. It's time to get all your DevOps questions answered and doubts erased. Check out this helpful post and YouTube video!

What is DevOps? REALLY understand it
TechWorld with Nana ・ Jan 18 '22
A teachable mistake
@jringeisen inadvertently pinged the Places API 17,000 times in one hour, costing $646. But guess what? Mistakes happen and if you learn from them, they can be worthwhile. Better yet, Jonathan shared the incident with all of us so we can avoid it ourselves. Love it.
Real-time realness
@thesanjeevsharma illustrates (literally 🎨) how to create real-time updates with web sockets, polling/long polling, and server-sent events.

Real-time Updates: Polling, SSE and Web Sockets
Sanjeev Sharma ・ Jan 17 '22
That's it for our weekly Top 7 for this Tuesday! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and be sure to keep an eye on this series in the future. You might just be in it!
Top comments (8)
A huge thanks to @devdevcharlie, @mpriour, @atapas, @ironcladdev, @techworld_with_nana, @jringeisen, & @thesanjeevsharma for your fantastic posts last week 👏
Wow! Made the top 7, pretty cool. Thanks for the shoutout!
Yayyy... Made it to the top 7(again!!! 😊). Such a fantastic feeling. Many congratulations to all the writers mentioned here.
Damn! I always wished for this. Didn't know it would happen this soon.
2022 is looking good already. 🙏
Wow cool to be in the Top 7 thank you! 🤩
Great work everyone!
Whoo! First time on the top 7!
Thank you so much everyone!
Great hits this week!