Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week.
SvelteKit 1.0 - Building a personal blog, that shows your DEV posts 🦄
Let’s take a tour of the latest version of SvelteKit with @lissy93. Here, you’ll build a developer portfolio and blog website that fetches data from your RSS feed, as well as the GitHub API.

SvelteKit 1.0 - Building a personal blog, that shows your DEV posts 🦄
Alicia Sykes ・ Feb 20 '23
All about Promises in JavaScript
A promise in JavaScript is an object that represents a value that may not be available yet, but will be in the future. Learn more about JS promises with @codeofrelevancy.

All about Promises in JavaScript
Code of Relevancy ・ Feb 23 '23
Kubernetes 101, Part I, the Fundamentals
Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating and managing containerized applications. In short, it’s all about containers. Here, @leandronsp demonstrates the problem that K8s tries to solve.

Kubernetes 101, part I, the fundamentals
Leandro Proença ・ Feb 23 '23
Thoughts on Dev Rel in the post-Twitter era
@andypiper discusses how DevRel has evolved beyond relying on Twitter as the primary platform to connect with developer communities. Though it requires more effort, DevRel is adapting to how communities and technologies are changing.

Thoughts on Dev Rel in the post-Twitter era
Andy Piper ・ Feb 22 '23
Coding your own AI in 2023 with FastAI
In this guide, @vincenius covers how to set up the ecosystem for developing an AI, create and train the model with FastAI, then deploy the model and use it in your own project.

Coding your own AI in 2023 with fastai
Vincent Will ・ Feb 27 '23
Announcing MiniBASIC
MiniBASIC is a clean, powerful new implementation of the classic 1980s BASIC programming language. Download @joestrout’s project on itch.io or fork the repo on GitHub!
Debugging JavaScript Like a Pro: Tools and Techniques for Finding and Fixing Bugs
Here, @iayeshasahar shares some tools and techniques that can help you debug JavaScript like a pro so that you can live a bug-free life.

Debugging JavaScript Like a Pro: Tools and Techniques for Finding and Fixing Bugs
Ayesha Sahar ・ Feb 25 '23
That's it for our weekly Top 7 for this Tuesday! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and be sure to keep an eye on this series in the future. You might just be in it!
Top comments (13)
congrats everyone!
Thank you @michaeltharrington 🙏for mentioning my article to this post..🎯
I really appreciate it.
thanks and congrats everyone!
Congratulations all who got featured 👏
Heyo fantastic work all, keep up the great work :D
@codeofrelevancy congrats!
Thank you my friend.
Thanks for mentioning my article along with these amazing writers🙌
Haha, that's right!
Congratulations all and keep up the great work
Congratulations to the writers.