DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v283

Welcome Thread - v283

Flashing text that says Welcome!

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋

  3. Share your wins from this week in our weekly "What was your win this week? thread.

Top comments (110)

bearmsu profile image
Brandon - Michigan

Hi everyone, I'm Brandon, an Application Support Coordinator for GFS in Grand Rapids, MI. I mostly support devs. But, I have a masters in computer science and engineering and I love to code. I've been focusing for the last year on trying to bring my coding skills back up to par and working very hard. I feel like a newbie for the most part and never understand what's going on when someone else is bringing up their projects. But, I'm always ready to learn and I always work hard. What can I say? I love to code, I love to build things, understand how things work, and I love to solve puzzles.

Kindest Regards,

lustosakev profile image

É um prazer Seu Brandon.

Quando estiver com algum tempo para conversar, podemos compartilhar informações eu atualmente não algum certificado de alta patente mas compartilho de grandes ideias de criação e desenvolvimento, com materiais organizados e documentados é bom começo para estruturar algum projeto e certificar-nos de qualquer atividade recorrente.

Kevyn Lustosa (Comunidade DEV)

ohuton55 profile image
Yuuka Kumai

Hello! I like how you feel about code.

marc_weidner_4cc3187ccdf8 profile image
Marc Weidner


abhinavbharadwajr profile image
Abhinav Bharadwaj R

Hey people, I'm Abhinav Bharadwaj R, a Tech Enthusiast with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Currently working as a Java Software Developer and actively working to transition into a DevOps Engineer. I love organizing stuff and leading my co-workers to learn and adapt the collaboration process across teams.

I love to code, build things, and get to the bottom of anything to understand how it works. Bit of an old-fashioned and rigid gut but can try a get along.

Check out my portfolio to know more about me and my life.

ddebajyati profile image
Debajyati Dey

Hello and welcome to the community!

abhinavbharadwajr profile image
Abhinav Bharadwaj R

Thanks Buddy 💗 @ddebajyati

ohuton55 profile image
Yuuka Kumai

Hello! I'm looking forward to your posts.

allagisid profile image

Hello All, Siddharam here. I'm Devops learner, C++ enthusiast and hunger to learn Kubernetes, Ansible and Terraform. Having keen interest to learn more about Rust programming language and it's takeover as we hear every other day over C++.

jpdengler profile image
Joseph Dengler

Hi everyone! I'm joey, a soon to be graduating with a BS in Computer Science with concentration in Software Engineering. I'm still a novice developer and hope to reach out with community to strengthen my skills and hopefully the same for others! I've currently been working on my website Portfolio, still a work in progress but coming along great!

Wishing you all the best,

  • Joey
bearmsu profile image
Brandon - Michigan

Welcome Joey, and I love the retro monitor and old school ASCII art and shell prompt for your site!

jpdengler profile image
Joseph Dengler

Thanks! :)

sunday_david_efa6b513398f profile image
sunday david

Hi everyone, I`m Sunday David, a full stack web developer, with good experience in Next.JS/React.JS and Spring boot. Currently learning Vue.JS and Rust. I am fascinated with Rust base on its concurrency handling and Hype from senior devs and for my current Job backend integration. Cheers

hazelchamboko profile image

Hi Everyone its Hazel here, a little girl trying to navigate through data science and front end at the same time, Still trying to figure out what i like the most between the two. Hope i will learn a lot from you guys. Cheers!

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Welcome Everybody, I'm Antonio, CEO at Litlyx. Welcome to this amazing community, here we share thougths and knowledge. If you are a founder feel free to check this Article on dev. You will find a lot of useful projects to find inspiration or leave your project for everybody to see. Love from Italy 🇮🇹.

herald_68 profile image
Uchiha Itachi

Hi! I'm Salman Sajid a tech enthusiast who had been learning programming until now in a mildly structured way which has resulted into pure confusion and dilemma. But I think dev community will be helpful for me and I'm optimistic that I would be able to become a pragmatic and excellent programmer who will contribute to this progressive field.
My favourite language so far are python (which I've been learning till now), C++ and java.
I am interested in the field of machine learning, web development, data science, system design as well as in tons of Cs fields.

sofoniyas_kediryesuf_dfb profile image
Sofoniyas Kedir Yesuf

I am a skilled backend developer with expertise in PHP and JavaScript programming languages. I specialize in building robust and efficient server-side applications and APIs. With a strong understanding of databases, algorithms, and web development principles, I excel at creating dynamic and scalable functionalities for web applications. My passion for problem-solving and continuous learning drives me to deliver high-quality, secure, and optimized backend solutions.

manoj_naga_1fff0609ca7920 profile image
Manoj Naga

Hello everyone, I'm Manoj. I've joined this community to learn more about the career journey of a software engineer from the beginning, including how to connect and network with people, and how to stay updated with trends in the software field.

naman_sharma_6969f8d00b76 profile image
Naman Sharma

Hi Guys

I joined today, found this website when I was learning the difference webpack and Babel and found out a great article which explained everything. I was so impressed so quickly checked this website and found out this to be a dev community so I joined. This is also the first time I have a joined a developers community so I hope I will get some good friends with whom I can learn and grow. I will need your guidance alot. Please help me in any way you can.

P.S: I am on PIP so I'm working hard as I can to get out of PIP and secure my current job.


jeremiah_emenike_aa0e242c profile image
Jeremiah Emenike

*My win this week *

I was one of the facilitators in a customer service training for one of the electricity distribution companies in Nigerian, PHED.

I captioned my presentation -
OPTIMA: Revolutionizing Complaint Management in the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry


jeremiah_emenike_aa0e242c profile image
Jeremiah Emenike

Hello everyone, I'm Jeremiah. A geologist that found his way into the Customer Service profession. I'm proficient with Google Sheet and have designed a Complaint tracker used for monitoring SLAs and optimising the performance of over 120 customer service professionals. I also have alot of automated solutions on Google Sheet for different kind of businesses and industries. Haven made it here, I know I can make it anywhere. This thought pattern has been a driving force towards honing my skillset. Currently learning Flutter, JavaScript, HTML, Python, SQL.
The goal is to become the jack of all trades and master of all ☺️

pourlehommes profile image

Hello everyone, please call me Terra. A geophysicist that thought geophysics is just a Machine Learing with extra steps. So a pleasure to meet you.

P.S. I don't know how do center a div nor mathematics above additions and subtractions, so I'm sure I'll be fine.

Image description

jeremiah_emenike_aa0e242c profile image
Jeremiah Emenike

Nice to meet a fellow Geoscoentist here ☺️

tevin_enadeghe_906b3c9eb3 profile image
Tevin Enadeghe

Hello everyone, I'm Telvin, a frontend developer (intern). I have a B.Sc in industrial chemistry, but I love tech in general, solving complex problems and beautifying things gives me joy. I hope to learn and meet with people better than me via this platform

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