DEV Community

What was your win this week?

Michael Tharrington on July 14, 2023

Hey y'all 👋 Hope that you awesome folks are enjoying your weekend. Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accompli...
bekahhw profile image

We already have 24 sign-ups for our #100DaysOfOSS Challenge! Can't wait to get started.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


codenameone profile image
Shai Almog

Been a busy week with the kids due to summer vacations.
Still, wrote a lot... My new book is approaching 300 pages and I'm at chapter 18 (of probably 22+).
Got a post on r/java which is pretty hostile normally.
Finally passed 1k followers on Medium.

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa • Edited

I wrote a series based on the commit histories... never ending series with unexpected moment. Some time I am telling story based on the output of the git diff command.

Or if you have a commit logs in a tree completed with graph?! I will write for you a novel based on that!

DISCLAIMER: This comment was made via Google Translate (an AI tool used to translate languages, you may have forgotten so I reminded it). Why should there be this disclaimer? Because I always considered ChatGPT!!!

tmrc profile image
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Wow, great first post!

adriens profile image

This week we managed to release a REST service mesh on top of many open data sets,

We celebrated as it was a great team work while giving us opportunity to learn about Quarkus and many other cool things.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Nice stuff!

adriens profile image

Thanks a lot for the kind words 🤗

philipjohnbasile profile image
Philip John Basile

I went through 50,000 emails in my personal account looking for people to cold email for work. I cut down my resume from 8 pages to a much more concise and edible two pages. I received my Nanodegree from Udacity for Go.

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

This is impressive!

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati • Edited

I started my portfolio project and wrote 3 blog posts this week! Two of them is in the series of building my portfolio in public! 🙌🏼🤩

And one of my articles got futured on CodeNewbie's Instagram!

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

My partner is getting us a PlayStation this weekend woooooooo

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Awwww yayeah! What games y'all gonna get?

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

We got The Last of Us 1, Sims 4, and another one that I forget the name of! I am really excited about The Last of Us.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Oh hell yeah

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

I got a new project to work on. It's mostly done but they needed some UI help. Got things line up better and updated instructions.

wordpressure profile image

I'm building a reporting application using Ionic with angular and a PHP/Mysql backend api. My win was to fix a process where you can upload an image to the report. I had multiple users and reports so had to make sure the images get uploaded to a specific folder tied to that report but have that folder generated dynamically and then have the uploaded image on my server renamed then create the folder then move the file into it. This had to work for an array of files. I eventually got there through what feels like blood magic. God have mercy on my soul

htouqeer938 profile image
Touqeer Hussain

my all bug is fixed now..
so i want to buy car :)

nerro profile image

Finally finished up on my portfolio project and hosted it on render.

Check it out and give your thoughts.
Criticism is highly welcome also. 🤗

Started two new projects and applied to some companies. Scheduled for one interview next week.

Hope all goes well 🙏
Godspeed. 🚀

dyfet profile image
David Sugar • Edited

This weekend I was able to put together Apollo telephony integration, Coventry calling, browser clients such as for management, generic sip devices, Babylon automated endpoints, and Partisipate desktop softphones to finally begin development as a cohesive whole.

This is my vision for fully unified facility communication, telephony, and facility automation. The goal is facilities (homes, offices) will have their very own interactive ai driven voice and chatbot. All project sources have finally been gathered on codeberg. All active components are under FOSS licensing and open to public participation.

centremetre profile image
Martin McLaren

A couple this week.
Getting more used to use git bash more rather than github desktop.
Got used to enums and how to actually use them today (with the help of chat gpt, i needed all the help i could get), now i just need to keep practising them to keep the knowledge.
Actually starting my personal project (which shot off into a couple other java class library projects) after a couple weeks of coding anxiety.
And overall feeling more confident that i can code and even get a job in coding, and if i dont know something i can learn it. Even enums...

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

I finished the draft submission of the remaining chapters in part 1 of my book, Refactoring with C#. I'm now 1/3 of the way through drafting all content. It's going to be a hefty book by the end of it! Probably 500+ pages, but a good resource for the community.

ayomide_bajo profile image

I fixed a tricky bug!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

That's the way!

aaronksaunders profile image
Aaron K Saunders

Sticking to my two pieces of technical content being posted each week on youtube and here on And getting by bi-monthly newsletter out

junedang profile image
June Dang

Image description

The traffic to my website just getting better and better 😊

shanif profile image
Shani Fedida

The tech lead saied my Code Review is amazing.

weinbergersonburnan profile image

Reflecting on the past week, it's always great to celebrate our accomplishments. Personally, Tracking one thing I'm proud of is completing a challenging project and delivering it on time. It required a lot of dedication and hard work, but the sense of accomplishment was worth it. How about you? What's something you were proud of achieving this week?

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Quadrupling unique daily users (and leads) on our website by intelligently using ChatGPT and Crowd Sourcing to create high quality SEO articles ^_^

techtech profile image
markadel profile image
Mark Adel • Edited

I wrote my first article, on functional programming, check it out!

rutvikjani profile image

Published my first blog.....

itsdru profile image

I am alive. Things have been quite slow for me this year but I am grateful that I am well and alive. That is my win for this week.

brnms profile image
Bruno Santos

Started feeling more confident in my new job (started three weeks ago), since I started to do tasks, getting used to how the thing works, knowing better the team, people from other departments, etc.

manchicken profile image
Mike Stemle

Datadog posted my article!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


psypher1 profile image
James 'Dante' Midzi

I got DDEV working on my computer, also made a new friend on the interewebs

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


akhtargul profile image

I have started unit test in Angular the previews week

gotohr profile image
Ljubo Čanić

Made golang application for indoor air quality monitoring with SDS011 Nova Laser Particle Sensor, connected to graphite/grafana. Now in search for NO2 and O3 sensors.