Hey folks! 👋
Hope y'all all enjoy your weekends.
Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?
All wins count — big or small 🎉
Examples of 'wins' include:
- Starting a new project
- Fixing a tricky bug
- Getting some new shoes 👟

Top comments (41)
I went from having 50 readers a month to 800.
Feels nice to be blogging again!
Congratulations @vulcanwm!
I'm learning Rails again. I want to switch careers and become a Rails developer though I know I've a long way to go.
Worked my way through this fantastic tutorial on turbo streams then spent this afternoon building a toy app. It's an up hill struggle but I'm feeling more confident, little by little.
Nice! That's awesome, Oliver. 🙌
I am usually very anxious during interview. This is the very first time, I enjoyed the whole interview process and never felt anxious even when I didn't answer few questions correctly. It was a big win for me.
At a recent virtual tech meetup that focus on presenting a personal project to others I was able to demo 5 small projects built over the last few weeks to practice React, building with pure Vanilla JavaScript, and learn TypeScript.
series of small projects:
▪ Pomodoro Clock (Converted React to TypeScript)
▪ Tip Calculator (React)
▪ Product Creation UI (TypeScript)
▪ Episode Listing (React and Vanilla JS)
▪ Range Slider (React and Vanilla JS)
One additional project was shown off to help explain to others how "Higher Order Components" work with state management in React.
▪ Fantasy Football (React)
I really loved the feedback and the follow up discussion on different types of database you can use with personal projects.
Last Friday I made the decision to write a static analyzer for PHP in Rust, so I can better understand Rust. I can happily say I'm starting to like how helpful the compiler is.
Github link to project.
Very cool! That sounds like a good way to dig into the language. And of course, here's my obligatory: you should consider writing about this on DEV! Haha, I don't mean to push ya into it, but that does like a pretty cool topic and I bet we'd be down to share your post over our Rust focused Twitter account here. If ya do end up writing on it, please shoot me a message back here so I'll know to tap our social team.
I am keeping up with my writing a post a week dev.to/alexr/managing-high-perform...
Also I keep growing my Twitter followers through regular engagement with my community twitter.com/alexrashkov
Rock on! A post per week is a really great goal to have.
I just took a peek at your series on management here and it looks like you have some really awesome entries going. Nicely done! 🙌
Got some new article this week! woohooo!
Awww yayeah! Good to see a fresh post from ya, Vicente! 🙌
More coming! 🙌🙌
I'm a front-end developer for half a year now and now I managed to find a decent job. I carefully searched for vacancies and a couple of days ago I was hired here ibench.net/. Cool platform by the way, I didn’t know about it before
This week my "PHP CSS Editor Maker" was nominated for the
PHP Programming Innovation Award in the
PHP Classes site during the month of January!
Check it out at:
and if you like it, give me your vote at: