Hey folks 👋
Hope that y'all all enjoy your weekends.
Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?
All wins count — big or small 🎉
Examples of 'wins' include:
- Starting a new project
- Fixing a tricky bug
- Dancing like a goof 🕺

Top comments (24)
I finally wrote a new article on Dev.to this week 🥳 It had been 2 years since wrote the last article. I plan to write more about authentication and authorization in the future.
[Tutorial] Setup very basic authentication with Devise in Rails 7
Kevin Luo ・ May 15 ・ 6 min read
Oh rock on! That's awesome to hear. Thanks for coming back and sharing your knowledge with us. 🙌
I've finally released public beta of my latest project - Vrite - CMS for technical (programming) content. It's also open-source now, so you can have a look on GitHub. About 2 weeks late, but still excited for working on this 😅
Did a live streaming interview. Recorded talk for a Japanese conference.
Did a video on operator overloading in Java.
Created a new talk covering external debugging tools based on a chapter from my book. I'm giving it next week.
Working on the requirement specification document in a new startup I'm building. That's raising a lot of questions.
Finishing a project that started at the beginning of the month. That's my kind of win. 🎉
Woot! Always feels good to wrap on something that you've been working on for a long time. Major congrats, Juan!
Thanks a lot, Michael! Indeed it feels good to finish something (as opposed to just starting things).
I wrote my first npx executable and learned a lot about setting up projects for setting up projects for collaboration like monorepos, linting and wrote my first ever test 😅
Learning something thing new and achieving your goal feels so huge! Big part why I love coding!
Another big win!!! 🎉
I get appreciation and become part of WebXDAO as a WebX Developer and DJ Party on Discord server, yeah I am "Punk" and also a Software Freestyle Engineer.
And now I am Mentor of GSSoC'23
im making an authentication package for django , i plan on adding google ,github and facebook authentiaction to it
im just excited on how much time i will save on future projects when this is complete.
I've received an A in my spring semester class!
Oh rock on, Carla! That is awesome news. Major congrats! 🙌