Hey there!
Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?
All wins count — big or small 🎉
Examples of 'win...
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Ty 💗 Would love any feedback/suggestions.
😄 Glad you liked it. Let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions
I hope to keep racking up some weekly wins on DEV feed relevancy (which cascades into all Forems, but DEV is the primary patient).
Since we're only testing one area of the algorithm at a time, I feel there are 10 things I want to try out, but I have a lot of confidence that the next experiment I have in mind will be a nice leap in quality.
I've noticed an uptick in relevance for myself. I do follow quite a lot of tags/topics and haven't put a huge amount of (but some) effort into weighting them, and I don't know how much that affects things. Thanks for taking on the quest!
I'd definitely describe the work so far as resulting in an "uptick". The next test is going to be about the final ranking to ensure among the relevant stuff, that you see something really interesting and useful at the top (We'll split test some options which likely won't succeed at this), so you'll either get that improvement randomly next week or a regression there, but you'll definitely get it in two weeks.
Got myself a new Moog synthesizer!
Yep, I'm building a spaceship. 🚀
Keep looking at synth gear and then remembering I have no space, and very little musical ability (my midlife crisis guitar is sitting in the corner, unlearned). Cool kit!
Thanks very much!
And I feel ya! I'm still early days with learning all this synth stuff. Guitar is my main instrument.
That said, I'm really liking sound exploration via synth. Been making music that is waaay different from what I normally do.
I'm starting on a new position in a little while and ever since I've got the offer my inner saboteur keeps mocking me and saying I'll fall flat on my face.
And this week I've finally accepted that he's right.
I will most certainly make at least one horrible mistake, I'll let my team down every once in a while and will inevitably make someone very angry at me on multiple occasions.
But I will also clean up the mess, pick up the pieces, mend them together and make sure to prevent this from happening ever again.
Mistakes are our best teachers and we should cherish them for the opportunities they provide.
It took me a decade to finally come to terms with the imposter syndrome and it sure as heck feels like a win!
👍🏼That is a great way to think about it. I still suffer from imposter syndrome and I’m a lead dev (whatever that means). Two things that helps me are to remember that it’s the nature of the this journey that everyone is an “imposter” ie we’re all winging it some of time and to stop comparing my insides with everyone else’s outsides. Best of luck with the new role, with the attitude you have you will smash it!
Well said! Thank you!
Love this attitude!
I love that TinyTV ❤️
It is from Tiny Circuits - really nice little kit and quite easy to assemble (no soldering). I'm waiting on the Thumby (tiny games console) when it ships from their Kickstarter campaign. My LEGO minifig now has their own TV to watch!
My win this week was testing negative from covid a week after my brother and mom contacted the virus - they’re clear now so thats another win!
HUUUUGE win. Glad to hear it.
Thanks @graciegregory !
Receiving first feedback on my first ever article! :D If anyone is interested here it is - dev.to/jaindamini1111/sampling-bia...
Thank you :)
My win this week was completing my submission for the #atlashackathon. I was so pleased to get it submitted in time (plus I had to learn React to build the UI) dev.to/felipeazucares/hairy-plotte...
I made a few top DEV comments 😊
I was able to deploy my prototype on my staging server that includes a chat feature using Django channels.
Currently building a static site generator called "Statyk"
I'm happy with it so far, and excited for further development.
Dead simple statyk site generator
Dead simple statyk site generator
This week i implemented
Did my Mongodb Atlashackathon submission in just 5 days when I was ill but I do not know how it got so famous with some 2000 reactions and then because od that even my next blog got famous and I got the top author badge of 7 languages and frameworks.
Posting back on dev after several months and writing a blog post setting some goals for the year after last years failure hoping to complete some (hopefully more) realistic targets this year. And I passed an exam for work :)
This week-end I built and I deployed a French Wordle at solitaire-play.com/lemot/. Not a simple copy/paste, but my own Vanilla JS.
I came up with a great name "LeMOT" (TheWORD), and even a slogan "A word game every day" and a hashtag #LeMotLeJeu.
I also wrote 2 posts about creating the game and choosing an accessible color code.
Got around to playing with my arduino
neat, what did you build, and which kind of Arduino?
Took a rest, talked kindly to myself, and started watching some videos on NFTs and began coding a small web app for funsy. <3
Started a new side project. Maybe I launch on DEV in the future.
The IR I plan to use as a new gwion backend is going quite well.
ds_test uses my new VM
dstb uses a custom backend names tilde
and dsgcc uses libgccjit.
I'm also planning to add more :)
EDIT: I have a screenshot for that but somehow the DEV UI fails me
Discovered NX here just now
Who is using Nx?
Jesse M. Holmes ・ Jan 14 ・ 1 min read
Really excited about it!
Nice work! And thank you.
Totally not dev related, but I put an offer in on a house. We accepted the counter!! This is getting all too real!
revamping my Grafify project to v2 with better UI & UX. grafify.herokuapp.com
That's a fair number of small things to wrangle - nice work (and thank you!)
Someone found one of my articles useful
Flutter Firebase Authentication: Apple Sign In
Offline Programmer ・ Feb 17 '21 ・ 5 min read
Thanks for the great article. You saved my day!
I decided to start taking my online presence seriously, mainly through Twitter and already saw some results.