Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of?
All wins count -- big or small 🎉
Examples of 'wins' include:
- Getting a promotion!
- Starting a new project
- Fixing a tricky bug
- Winning a staring contest with your pet 🐾

Happy Friday!
Top comments (14)
I emceed a great user group talk last night at the Central Ohio .NET Developers Group, finished outlining my new technothriller fiction book, and completed my first assignment as a Wizard at Leading EDJE - researching learning resources related to RAG and making a recommendation to the organization for internal training purposes.
"Releasing My First Online Tool Project!"
It’s been my aspiration to write code and release it for public use!
After being busy with work, family, and other things...
I’m proud to say that, despite little sleep this week, I was able to pull off and release my personal project called 'Yt2Tweets' and open-source it. 😊
It’s a tool that converts YouTube videos into Twitter threads using AI. ✨
Keep going !
Fixed a pesky bug with autoscroll on my new website on Ghost. Feeling great about it!
Our platform is growing in sales this week 138% more after we launched our new Landing Page! Litlyx.com. In 2 days we made 1.5k visits, i'm so happy that people are finding out litlyx.
ohhh we are near 500 stars on github too! Share some love -> here.
Peace and good start of the week to everybody!
I've continued the 100 Days of Code challenge and have reached Day 19. The main task of this challenge is developing mobile client to Dev.to. All my short daily reports are available here. I also wrote a bit about motivation here.
Nice job!
Mostly worked on Subtile AI
I didn't expect much from this week, but I'm happy that I was able to do that much ^^
Wrote a blog post , Remix is cool.
Crossed 10K followers
My win was submitting to the Web Game Challenge +_+
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! ✨