Hey everybody! 👋
Another week down... hope it was a good one for ya.
Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?
All wins count — big or small 🎉
Examples of 'wins' include:
- Starting a new project
- Fixing a tricky bug
- Going to the movie theater 🎥

Did you know we feature wins in our "Wins of the Week" email every Friday? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter emails to get wins delivered right to your inbox! 💌
Top comments (27)
We launched DEV Challenges!
Introducing DEV Challenges
dev.to staff for The DEV Team ・ Mar 14
I had such a fun time making this header, I am so happy with how it came out!
This was a busy week…
I’m sure there’s more, but man…I’m whipped! 😮💨
I updated the UI of the gdocweb website. I'm going to speak at a meetup and a conference. I will be writing the cover letter for the Dzone API trend report.
I didn't keep up with my followers here on dev. It passed 10k without me noticing and is around 13.7k followers which is pretty cool.
My wins...
@michaeltharrington name your win(s)
Oooo nice, Stefan! That's a really well-rounded mix of wins right there. 😀
I'm gonna join ya on the list here:
I did quite a bit of working out and body-moving... Ran twice this week (the weather is nice), did a bunch of yoga/stretching/calisthenics, I've been hanging on a pull-up bar at least 3 minutes a day + doing pull-ups (I'm still at about 8 in my first set and diminish after, but I'm getting better form).
I got a new guitar pedal for a great deal on Craiglist. It's a UAFX Ruby and sounds amazing — it perfectly models a range of Vox AC30 amplifiers! I've been reworking my pedalboard and am siked to play with my band tonight. 😀
I've been working on a new Mod Contest that will launch early next week and I'm pumped to see the effects!
My wife and I are oh-so-close to finalizing our construction loan with the bank so we can begin building our house! It's been a long long time coming folks!
Congrats on the wins this week. Yoga is on my list of things to try.
Thankya! And yoga really is good stuff — I highly recommend it.
My hips and lower back having been kinda bugging me, so I've been trying different stuff out. This YouTube channel has been a pretty good one for yoga. Side note: DDP has a yoga channel and there are some pretty amazing transformation stories — check out this mini-doc with Butterbean.
Not exactly yoga, but I like this channel for chiropractic advice and stretches that relieve pain.
I get to learn the downward dog and a diamond cutter at the same time. I am moved
I've added hot-reloading to my game engine by watching projects files using the Java NIO API. It saves time but now I've got a new problem, I'm so used to using the engine without HCR that I just manually reopen the project sometimes.
I have written more post so far this year (even though it's only 4 so far) than I did for the entirety of 2023 and I'm hoping to keep the streak going 🥳
Hot damn! 🔥
I've seen your posts too and they are high-calibre. I actually pointed somebody to some of your Rusty posts the other day — good stuff! It's no easy feat to continuously write posts like that. Just to say, I see you and you're rockin it! 🙌
I renewed my Azure AI Engineer and Azure Data Scientist associate certifications. I also hit a point in my master's class where if I don't even do a final project I still pass the class (I'll still do the project) and worked through a blocking issue preventing me from making progress on my next book.
Oooh yaaay Minecraft <3
Finally learned a little bit of UI design! The design I made is not impressive by any means, but considering most of the things that I make look like a dumpster fire (no offense to myself, it's just true), I'm pretty proud of this one.
Our OpenSauced team launched a huge new feature called workspaces 🎉
Awesome work!
Thank you!
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