Hacktoberfest 2021 starts on Friday, October 1! 🎃
In the comments below, tell us who you are, whether or not this is your first Hackt...
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Hi everyone! 👋🏼
I'm Thomas, 22 years old, I already participating to Hacktoberfest since 2018. Already 3 times completed this awesome challenge ! 🔥💚
I would like to contribute more in Web development, design and others stuffs like optimization and translations.
If you search contributors, tell me with your repository ! 🥳
Hey Thomas, I've put up a really simple website - and I'd like to welcome first time contributors and beginners to help build it out. You can run and test it locally, so no risk of doing any permanent damage. Add something to it, make it beautiful and accessible if you can - and I'll accept the commits. Be explicit in your commits to say what you intend to do with your code - easier for me to approve and easier for other newbies to learn from your edits:
i can contribute to your project, It's forked, maybe this night I create a new PR 😄☕
Hi! 👋🏼
My name is Joe. I am a 41 yr old developer from Wisconsin. This is my first Hacktoberfest. I have a lot of experience with Vue.js, JavaScript, PHP, and ColdFusion. I'm hoping to find something in the Vue or Node realm to contribute to.
Show me what you need help with. I am here to help. 😀
This is my first Hacktoberfest. At first, I thought I was too much of a newbie to participate, but I've seen with OSS is that there's something for everyone. So far, I have opened 2 PRs, working on a 3rd, and hope to get a 4th by the end of the month!
@rek990 it’s my first time at Hacktoberfest too. Congrats on your 2 PRs!
Thank you! I hope your Hacktoberfest is going well!
Hello everyone ! Viraj here. I am Frontend Web Developer started my coding journey in September 2020 and created my account on GitHub on 16th September 2020. As new into this environment was disturbed regarding workflows going on it came to know about Hacktoberfest but was not good enough to take part and contribute. Had a dream of recieving swags or planting a tree it's been a year was waiting for this time. I'm registered and got pretty much knowledge how to contribute but still a noob I would appreciate if someone guide me on beginner contributing for Web development projects. Hope I'll achieve my aim this time ! Thanks for this great awesome open source community !
Hi Viraj,
Congratulations on the progress you've made throughout your coding journey! If you are still looking for a project to contribute to, I've created a project designed for newcomers along with a step-by-step guide on how to contribute getscriptordietryin.com/contributi....
Thanks so much for helping Joe. Cheers to this helping OS community 🎉 completed 8 PR's out of 5 PR's merged successful. First time as a beginner making my projects out in public. Loved Hacktoberfest.
Awesome! Keep up the great work.
Hey everyone, I'll be hacktoberfest for the first time this year. Always meant to get involved before but had other projects going on during it. I'm doing it both to give back to some packages I use and to get my first open source experience.
I am Suchitra 23 years old, Its my 1st time to contribute to Hacktoberfast. I want to contribute take part of this event so that I can learn and contribute to open source projects.
I am looking forword to contribute in java, javascript, html, css and also documentation part of the projects.
If anyone suggest me or want to collabarate with me I am happy to learn and work togather:)
Hi Everyone, 👋
I am Srinjoy , 23 years old.This is my first Time participating in Hacktoberfest.My reason to participate is to learn about git, open source and how to contribute to projects.Looking forward to a productive month contributing to open source.!!!!!🙌.
Hi Srinjoy,
Welcome to Hacktoberfest! If you are still looking for a project to contribute to, I've created a project designed for newcomers along with a step-by-step guide on how to contribute (along with images for each git step) getscriptordietryin.com/contributi....
Hey fellow Devs,
I'm Kayla Smart, a software engineer from Philly. This is my first year participating in HacktoberFest and I'm excited to dig into this challenge, connect, and contribute.
I have 4 years of experience as a Dev, using Node, Express, Flutter, React,Javascript, Next.js, MongoDB, SQL and a number of other frameworks.
I am browsing repos to see where I can help out- feel free to reach out to collaborate!
Hey everyone!
My name is Dillon, I’m 19 years old, and this is my first Hacktoberfest. I’m looking forward to the challenge, as this isn’t first for any kind of community challenge. Good luck to all! 🎃
Hey ! 👋
I'm David, i'm 23 years old, and this is the first time i'll participate to Hacktoberfest !
I'd love to participate on a open-source project. If you are looking for a contributor, hit me up !
See you soon !
Hi 👋, I'm Kavindu Santhusa
A Sri Lankan 17 years old student.
👋 Hi, I’m @ksenginew
👀 I’m interested in coding
🌱 I’m currently learning CSS, JavaScript, Typescript
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on cool projects
📫 How to reach me ksengine.github@gmail.com
⚡ My projects on Github
Hi everyone!
I'm Béla, Achie, a hobby game developer and wannabe pixel artist!
I joined Hacktoberfest in 2019 and it's a huge push for me every year to work on my projects, and seek out friends who need help!
In these time i look up my old issues, to-do-s for my PICO-8 game projects in .p8 (lua) and this year is was asked by a friend to help in his python project as well!
Hi hackers!
I am Ayush, Electronics and Physics undergrad at BITS Pilani. I have already participated in Hacktoberfest the previous year.
I am looking forward to contribute more to Flutter packages, Android and Web this year. I am also maintaining some flutter packages if some one is looking forward to contribute to the same.
Hi ! 👋🏻
I'm Badar, this is my first time joinin on Hacktoberfest 2021, i hope in my first year i can learn much before joining for the real project in next year, or maybe soon. My language are Python, i'm focusing on Machine Learning, Data Engineering, and for framework i'm focus in Flask and Django.
See you soon, maybe any one search contributor or wanna teach me, reach me out
I'm going to participate, this will be the 3rd year. I didn't get a t-shirt last year because I was too slow getting my last pr in... but that's life. I'd like to contribute to HTML5 javascript stuff.
Hi everyone👋🏼
I am Miku Chan. I have already participated in Hacktoberfest 2020. And got that Limited edition T-Shirt too :)
I love coding in Python. I am a full stack web developer and a discord.py bot developer :)
Hi Everyone,
I'm Arjun Ghimire. I have been working on Web development for the last 6 years. I have already contributed to many open sources projects.
Looking forward to contributing more in the upcoming days.
Hi, I’m Yoshi. 😊 This is my first year participating in Hacktoberfest. I’m stoked! 🤩🤩I hope to contribute to frontend development - HTML, CSS or JavaScript. Not so sure if I want to touch React yet.
Nice to meet you all!
What are the eligible projects? I vaguely remember that last year we need to look for projects with hacktoberfest hash tag somewhere.
I don't see that part mentioned anywhere this year. Is it still required?
I want to confirm it first because I remember last year some of my PRs were not recognized, even after several days.
This year too, for making a valid PR that count towards Hactoberfest 2021, you must have to look for the 'hacktoberfest' topic in any projects. Also you can check more rules here hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/
It will make you clear!
Hi everyone,
I am Dishant, first time participating in Hacktoberfest.
I would like to contribute in Android Jetpack Compose projects, Rasa chatbots, Discord chatbots python.
Also, I am Maintainer, for 2 projects this year link can be found below:
Certificate Builder:
Github: github.com/Horizon733/certi-build
Language: Python
Customer Care chatbot:
GIthub: github.com/Horizon733/customer-car...
Framework/Language: Rasa/Python
Hi all! 👋
I'm Ryan, I'm 24 years old and am new to Hacktoberfest! I started coding at the end of 2020 and am currently looking for my first Software Engineering position. I'm new to open source and am excited to leverage my skills in JavaScript, React and Node to contribute!
Hello fellow hackers 🥷
This is my second try to participate at the Hacktoberfest🍺. I'm an automation engineer and I'm looking forward to add UI 👁️ tests or add practical information to readme's📝 .
Ping me if you are looking for this kind of contribution. I'm looking forward to expand my knowledge and help out with QA 🔍
That's my github account github.com/ChrisZie
Hello guys,
Happy to help the open source community.
First year i'll do Hacktoberfest.
I'm a 4 years seasoned Dev, now focusing more on Frontend part.
My favorite stack: React/next/gatsby (Jamstack), Rails.
Already submit some PRs but one project was not Hacktober Participant 🤦🏻♂️.
Still happy with this contribution.
Happy Hacktober fest to all
Greetings hackers,
My name is Joe, code name MightyJoeW 😎, and I'm back for my 5th round of #hacktoberfest!
I can vividly recall the excitement yet bewilderment when initially trying to figure out how to contribute to projects, so I want to help make the process easier for newcomers to contribute.
I've created a project along with a step-by-step guide on how to contribute to open source getscriptordietryin.com/contributi.... This project displays a list of cards showcasing each contributor, including links to your GitHub, LinkedIn, and site if you have one.
The project was built in React and utilizes MUI for styling. No worries if you don't know these technologies yet. The guide shows you exactly which block of JavaScript code to edit for your card to appear.
Happy hacking! 🎃
No contribution guide needed? The project can be forked and cloned here github.com/MightyJoeW/OpenSourceDevs
Hi, I'm Lucas, 22 years old and cs student. I've participated in Oktoberfest since 2018. I'm looking for web development and translation repositories to contribute to, so if you've something for me, let me know. Good luck to you all.
Hi everyone!
I'm Joross, 28, and this is my first time actively participating in Hacktoberfest. My tech stack includes python, javascript and node.js.
If you are looking for a contributer, hit me up!
Hello. I'm Jonathan and this will be my second Hacktoberfest. I'm participating in order to contribute to the awesome community that is open source. I feel a lot of commercial grade software owes a lot to open source and I want to help contribute and be a part of the community.
Greetings fellow Hackers!
This is my third Hacktoberfest. I am a JavaScript developer with experience in the Node.js ecosystem, API development, gRPC, and Web Components on the frontend. I am always excited to introduce people to Open Source.
Hi there!
My name is Sandro and I'm from Togo.
Last year I tried to participated to the Hacktoberfest but did not make it. I hope this will be different. I want to participate to the Hacktoberfest because I want to contribute to opensource project and leave my fingerprint on open source projects.
I am looking to flesh out my resume so I can land a job anywhere in the world.
I'm Shivali and this is my first time participating in Hacktoberfest. I have recently opened a few pull request and hoping for them to get merged soon. I have experience with vue.js, javascript, html, css and nodejs. Looking forward to this new journey in open source contributions.
Hi everyone!
I am participating in hacktoberfest for the third time in a row. This is always amazing experience. Every hacktoberfest I get out of my opensource project and explore other exciting projects out there! But as this year there is maintainer role available, I registered both as participant and a maintainer!
If you want to contribute to my repositories, see my comment:
Happy hacktoberfest everyone! Happy to hear that now maintainer is an official role!
If you want to contribute to an opensource self-hosted cryptocurrency payment processing and developer solution and try yourself in any of the many languages we use (python, docker, vue, bash, golang, js, yaml, markdown and more), you can try out BitcartCC!
All contributors will be mentored to help understand how the project works
Contribute to BitcartCC this Hacktoberfest!
MrNaif2018 for BitcartCC ・ Oct 1 ・ 2 min read
Hi everyone!,
I'm Sachin Chaurasiya from India, This is my first time in Hactoberfest and I'm enjoying it.
I have made contribution to Open-metadata software.Open Standard for Metadata. A Single place to Discover, Collaborate and Get your data right.
Repo link open-metadata
Thank you.
I'm Daniel, I'm DevOps engineer, and It's my first time participating in HacktoberFest, recently I started to focus on OpenSource projects, and I think is good challenge for me at this moment, so I'll be glad to help to some project.
newbie here! 28! Brisbane, Australia. Student at local uni(looking to get "qualified") been in tech forever. Looking to double down and make this my secular career path.
HMTL,CSS,SCSS and Javascript(intermediate), Python(Django-fairly proficient ), React and c#(Novice). first Hacktoberfest and recently started using dev.to. keen to assist so LETSGO 🥳
Hello everyone! 😊
I'm Cristhian but my friends call me devedux, 21 years old, This is my first Hacktoberfest. I have a lot of experience with javascript, ruby, react, rails.
I would like to contribute more in web development. It's a pleasure I am here. 🤞
Hi everyone, I am Shantanu and this is my first time participating in Hacktoberfest 2021.
As a beginner to the open-source, I have created a simple python community which uses GitHub Discussions to share ideas, knowledge, works and even ask the queries.
The repository is called Python-Community-Discussions. The repository is open source so you can suggest any updates and share content with everyone.
Do give me Feedback on Discussions tab of repository to make this community healthy.
Repo link: github.com/magbanum/Python-Communi...
Hi all,
This is my 2nd year competing in the Hacktoberfest challenge. I'm excited to extend my skills thru the use of git and open source. It's a ton of fun contributing to various project and getting to learn new things. I'm a full stack .Net developer with SQL Server and AWS/Azure experience.
I look forward to contributing to your project!
Hey guys, I'm Theo. Though I'm fairly new to being a dev, I hope to be able to contribute to some of my favourite frameworks and open source projects.
Just one problem. I have no idea where to start, what the etiquettes are or what I'll even need to know to get started. If anyone's willing to teach a freshie how to deal with things, I'd be super thankful ><
Hey everyone!
Been participating in Hactoberfest for 4 years now.
Most recently I've been working on Ruby and Rails as well as playing around with Docker quite a bit. Happy to help the community in any way I can.
Hi everyone
I'm Divyaksh a 24 year old developer. I'm interested in any project related to machine learning and web or mobile.
I'm currently doing a work masters in data science.
I'm looking for projects where I can contribute. 😊
Hi everyone! 👋🏼
Mike here. I'm 24 years old and will be participating in the Hacktoberfest for my first time!🥳
I'd love to participate on a JavaScript open-source project. Hit me up if you have one you'd like me to contribute to.
See you soon!
Hi Everyone 👋🏼,
I'm Hariharan, a front end developer. This is my first year participating in Hacktoberfest and will be utlising this opprotunity to make my first open source contribution. I have experince working with ember.js, react.js and next.js. Please let me know if you are searching for contributors.
Good Luck to All.
Hello! 👋
I'm Monica, a Rails Engineer that doesn't hate CSS. Last year was my first ever Hacktoberfest and I enjoyed working on open source projects so much that it became my new hobby.
I'm taking part in it again this year, because I find it's a great way for me to learn and get better at what I do.
Hi everyone... I'm Treasure. I'm 16, and i graduated from high school 3 days ago. This is my first hacktoberfest I'd be participating in and I think it's great.
I would like to contribute on frontend related issues, and valuable inputs. I feel this will help remove some of the rust I had since I took a break from coding to write my final exams. If anyone has a repository they feel I can contribute in, kindly inform me. Mucho gusto.
Hey everyone ! 👋
I'm Claudia, i'm a frontend & mobile developer coding from north Italy 💖
This is the first time i'll participate to Hacktoberfest and I'm so glad to join this event !
I'd love to participate on a open-source project. If you are looking for a contributor, hit me up !
Thanks 🙏
I'm Karl Marx (legal name but often get my accounts suspended because of it). This is my 3rd hacktoberfest and my 3rd year in the software world. For work, I'm a Java backend developer but I really like python more for side projects at work and outside of work. The first two years I mainly took on easy tasks but trying to challenge myself a bit more this year.
Hello! I'm Nobuko participating in Hacktoberfest 21 for the first time.
Let me know any beginner friendly repository to enjoy. Translation or organizing documentation also must be cool.
Hello folks !Shashank here. I am Frontend Web Developer started my coding journey in dec 2020 . As new into this environment was disturbed regarding workflows going on it came to know about Hacktoberfest but was not good enough to take part and contribute. Had a dream of recieving swags or planting a tree it's been a year was waiting for this time. I'm registered and got pretty much knowledge how to contribute but still a noob I would appreciate if someone guide me on beginner contributing for Web development projects. Hope I'll achieve my aim this time ! Thanks for this great awesome open source community .Dev community Certainly provides an Insight full knowledge.
Hello everyone! My name is Anne Deepa. I am a MERN stack developer from India. This is my second time particpating in Hacktoberfest and I am really excirted 😊. I would love to contribute in web development.
If you are looking for contributers, I am eager to help and contribute. 🤝 Thank you !
Howdy, everyone! 🤠
This will be my second year participating; last year I was just getting started as a developer, so I'm excited to see if my broader skillset can help with more projects.
Big fan of Typescript and I mess around with Java, looking forward to helping out any maintainers.
Hi, I'm Rafa. A Frontend Developer from Venezuela 🙋♂️
This is my third Hacktoberfest 🎃
I first participated and completed the challenge in 2019. Then in 2020 I participated but couldn't complete the challenge. This year I have a stronger resolution to make a comeback to open source and contribute in more significant ways than just fixing typos and making a pr in a "make your first pr" project.
I hope everyone who joins this challenge can learn something and / or help other people with amazing projects 🙇♂️
Hey everybody!
I am Ranya, 20 years old, and I am participating in Hacktoberfest for the first time. I would like to contribute to web development and Python functionalities.
As I am contributing to an open-source repo, I learned to use Git and control files with the terminal commands. I hope I can learn more from this new experience.
If you a beginner-friendly repo, I'll be happy to contribute.
Hi Everyone!
I'm Jason, and this will be my first Hacktoberfest! I'm still in my first year as a professional developer but I'm excited to hone my skills and contribute to something meaningful outside of work. I'm primarily a .NET/Angular developer, but I've worked with React, Go, and some Python. I'm happy to help with just about anything!
hi! i'm Tiffany and this is going to be my first hacktoberfest and my first time ever contributing to open source. i'm a newbie developer and i'm looking forward to contributing to javascript/react projects :)
Hello everyone ! 👋🏼
I'm Papu Kumar, 25 years old from India. I have been participating in Hacktoberfest open source challenge since 2018 and I'm very excited for this year challenge too. I'm expert in Javascript, Typescript, React Native, Ionic, ElectronJS and ReactJS.
Hello! 👋
I'm Valentine, this will be my first Hacktoberfest and that's part of the reason why I'm taking part - because I've always wanted to but never had the confidence!
I started my first software related job this year but I've been coding for around 3 years now.
I always wanted to get more involved in the community and this seems like the perfect opportunity!
Hello everyone! I'm Estee, participated in Hacktoberfest once in 2019 before the swag shirt disaster happened in 2020 😂
I would love to contribute to anything that is Frontend, and will be looking at some Forem issues to work on for a start 🧡
have fun! and if you're keen, connect with me at Twitter
Hello everyone! 👋
I am Ashutosh, a Freelance Technical Writer and Front-End Developer from India. 👨💻
This is first time I'm participating in Hacktoberfest challenge.
My current tech stack includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Tailwind. 💨
If you're a open-source project maintainer looking for contributers, 👀
Contact me, I'll be happy to help 😊
Hey everyone!
I'm Taryn, a Unity/C# game and simulation developer. This is my very first time participating in Hacktoberfest and I am very excited! I'm also proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but my main interest is C# game development. If anyone is looking for a contributor in this niche, please let me know!
I'm Francesco from Rome and I've just published firt release of CSSUI, a library of interactive components in pure CSS.
This woulb be the first time I partecipate to Hacktoberfest.
A collection of interactive UI components in pure CSS
Please, let me know if you're interested in contributing to the project.
Hi 👋
I'm Siddharth, 13 and this is my first Hacktoberfest. Looking forward to this awesome challenge! 🔥
I would love to contribute to any repos I can. I know web dev, deno, node.
If you want contributors, feel free to tell me!
Hey everyone, This is my first hacktoberfest. Looking forward to complete the challenge.
I would like to contribute more in web development, design and other stuffs like documentation like stuffs.
Searching for contributors? Shoot me your repo 🥳
Hi Everyone, and Happy Hacktoberfest!! :)
I'm Zig Razor and I'm a Software Engineer. I love programming, and low level problems. I'm interested in CyberSecurity, Machine Learning, Advanced Algorithms.
I partecipate to this Hacktoberfest Mainly as Mantainer of the following Project:
Header-Only C++ Library for Graph Representation and Algorithms
Share on
Table of Contents
CXXGraph is a small library, header only, that manages the Graph and it's algorithms in C++. In other words a "Comprehensive C++ Graph Library".
Algorithm Explanation
Graph Dijkstras Shortest Path Algorithm(Dijkstra's Shortest Path) Dijkstra's Algorithm is used to find the shortest path from a source node to all other reachable nodes in the graph. The algorithm initially assumes all the…
A C++ library for simulating automata and Turing machines
A C++ library for simulating automata and Turing machines
Python State Machine
PyStateMachine is a Framework that support state machines in Python
How to Run
Work in Progess
Work in Progess
Test Suite
Work in Progress
How to contribute
E-Mail : zigrazor@gmail.com
GitHub Profile
To support me just add Star the project
or follow me 
To get updated watch the project
Project Info
Used Languages
But I partecipate also as a developer!
I'm excitated by this experience.
Happy Coding Everyone!
Dimitris, 37, Software Engineer and (ex-)Data Scientist. First Hacktoberfest, Ruby on Rails, algorithms, data structures and backend web development are my things.
Hello everybody!
I'm Jose, a web developer from Guatemala, it's my first time participating, I would fit better in a project with JS or TS but I've also some experience with Python and PHP.
I'm very excited to get started and I hope I can collaborate in a meaningful way.
Feel free to reach me out any time.
Hey there! 👋🏻
My name is Abhay, I am a 20 year old computer science student from India. This is my first Hacktoberfest. I have a lot of experience with HTML, CSS, JS, ReactJS, PHP, JAVA, Android, and UI Designs.☺️
I'm Elia, it's my second Hacktoberfest.
I work with Angular 7+, Typescript and Scss.
I'm focus with Angular Material :)
Hii, I am Janki Bariya. I am 19 years old and this is my very first Hactoberfest. I am looking forward to contribute something in Web Development. Am just a newbie & would appreciate support & guidance from my peers😊
Aloha all! I'm Defines, 36 years old, a software engineer in Virginia w/ MCSD and SDP. While my focus the past several years has primarily been in C# web and cloud PaaS development, I have a broad background of many technologies and am happy to contribute wherever I can be helpful.
Hi everyone !
I'm Mayank, 17 years old. I am Web developer. This is my second time participating in Hacktoberfest. I am really looking forward to contribute to as many open source projects I can.
Hello Everyone ! My name is Himanshu. This is my first time participating in Hacktoberfest event. I am contributing in some of the repositories related to Web development.
Hey everyone, I will be participating in Hacktoberfest 21 for the first time.
I like to contribute in web development, JavaScript libraries and react libraries.
Let me know the repository names. Will be happy to contribute 🥳
This is my first time participating and I am excited about it!
Hi everyone!
I'm Victor, 27 years old, this is my second time trying to reach the objective. First time I've discovered in the middle of challenge and started a new job.
Now i'm focused , and would like to contribute in ruby/rails projects, and also english/pt-br translations. I have experience in web-crawlers to with python.
If you need a colaborator with thease skills , just let me know!
I will be participating this year. Last year was the first I completed HacktoberFest thanks to the Virtual Coffee community. Looking forward to this year.
Hi 👋🏼
My name is Sai Kranthi. I am a 24 years old Frontend dev from India. This is my first Hacktoberfest. I'm experienced with React, Vanilla JS, Nodejs.
I'd love to participate on a open-source project. If you are looking for a contributor, hit me up !
Hi all, this is my 4th year, I would like to get a hacktoberfest swag again.
Hi howdy,
I've contributed to 3 other Hacktoberfests. I maintain a pretty popular Shopify auth package for NextJS but over my career I've written Ruby, PHP, JS.
Hey everyone,
Looking to contribute to JavaScript / TypeScript projects mainly, however I'm open to any web projects as well!
Angular, vue, react, vanilla JS are all in my wheelhouse!
Hi, Fellow hacktoberfesters,
Name is Ramya,
Contribution interests: React, JS, HTML, CSS, NodeJS.
Eager to contribute and increase my skills to contribute more.
I'm Pablo. I'm a 38 year old Spanish developer. This is my first hacktober fest. Let's see how it goes
I might :)
It would be my first time participating. I'm looking for repos where help is needed with PHP and/or Go. Cheers!
Hello Everyone,
My name is Joe or Joda, I am a 24 year old CS student in Los Angeles. This is my first Hacktoberfest and I am very excited to get involved in open-source development!
Super excided for this! 🥳
Hi everyone! Ayan here
First time participating. Am trying to contribute on python based projects.
Willing to contribute in your repository Maintainers!!
Im Morgan!
Did Hacktoberfest last year and had a ton of fun. Hoping to do even better this year :)
Hey good people, Tony from Kenya.
This is my second time participating. I look forward to seeing and contributing to the amazing web dev, mobile dev and dApps projects.
Hi Everyone,
we're participating in Hacktoberfest as maintainers of Codename One github.com/codenameone/CodenameOne/
If its free, I'll join in. I joined the community, and am not leaving. I would love to participate.
Hi everyone, I'm Keith, learning to code for a career switch, first time taking part in Hacktoberfest. Front end dev is what i'm learning now.
Hi everyone!
I'm super happy to be here. And this is my first Hacktoberfest. I'm super excited to start!
Hi everyone, My name is Mahmudul from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I'm 28 years old and this is my first ever participant in Hacktoberfest. Already completed 4 PR. Hopefully everything goes well 🎉😁
Hi everyone,
Happy Hacktoberfest everyone!
I'll be glad to contribute to webdev projects, i really love typescript, Graphql, React
Looking forward to an awesome experience!
Hi there! I'm in too. Have a nice hacktoberfest to everyone!
Hi everyone! 👋🏼
I'm Amol, 22 years old, I already participating to Hacktoberfest since 2020. But i have no idea where to start
hi i participated in 2021 hacktober fest
Hello all,
I'm Prakash, giving my first spin in to Hacktoberfest this year. Looking forward to contribute.
Hi everyone,
I am shakya, 44 years old.
This my first time to participating to Hactoberfest. I have experience in C++ and python.
Happy Hacktoberfest everyone!
This is my fifth Hacktoberfest. I'm very excited and looking forward to the challenges.
Hi everyone ! 👋🏻
This is Majid , it's my first time in Hacktoberfest , Looking forward to make some contributions, I'm interested in JS, Vue, React