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Dhanusha Perera
Dhanusha Perera

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Docker Commands Everyone Should Know: [Short Note]

About This Article

This article is a short note of some of the essential Docker commands that I think are useful for beginners.

Tip: I have created this short note while following the tutorial. I invite you to follow this Docker Tutorial for Beginners [FULL COURSE in 3 Hours] and subscribe to her channel. She is doing a stunning job.


Docker Commands

Pulling a docker container image

# syntax
docker pull <docker-image>

# example
docker pull postgres
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Pulling a specific version of a docker container image

# syntax
docker pull <docker-image>:<specify-the-version-here>

# example
docker pull postgres:9.6
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Pulls the docker image and runs/starts the docker container | starts new container with a command

# pulls and starts the latest docker image
docker run postgres  

# or you can specify the version
docker run postgres:9.6
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To see all the running containers | lists all the running containers

docker ps
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Check all the existing images in the machine

docker images
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Create a new container of an image

Tip: Please note that run command deals with Docker Images.

# syntax
docker run <docker-image>

# example
docker run redis
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Run a container in detached mode

Tip: We can get the hashed ID of the container with this command.
--detach or -d means detached mode (Run container in background and print container ID)

docker run -d redis
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Start and stop docker container | a.k.a restart a container (existing container)

Tip: start and stop command deals with existing docker containers.

# For example, you can restart a stopped container.
# syntax
docker start <hashed-ID-of-the-docker-container>
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# For example you can stop a running container.
# syntax
docker stop <hashed-ID-of-the-docker-container>
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Lists running and stopped containers | a.k.a history of running and stopped containers

docker ps -a
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Binding ports between the host and the container

: port specified for the host.

: port of the container.

# since we did not specify a version of redis, it will bind to the latest one available. 
docker run -p6000:6379 redis
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# starts with the detached mode.
docker run -p6000:6379 -d redis
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Binding ports between the host and a different version of a container

# here I have to specify a different port for the host because port 6000 is already bound to to the container (redis latest version)
docker run -p6001:6379 -d redis:4.0
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Debugging containers

To see the logs redis container is producing

# hashed ID of the running container of redis (we can get the hashed ID using `docker ps`)
docker logs <hash ID>`

# or name of the container (we can get the name using `docker ps`)
docker logs <name of the container>
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Change the name of the container

Tip: old-redis-container is the name I have given for the container.

docker run -d -p6001:6379 --name old-redis-container redis:4.0
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Tip: latest-redis-container is the name I have given for the container.

docker run -d -p6000:6379 --name latest-redis-container redis
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To see the container's stuffs

docker exec -it <container hashed ID or container-name> /bin/bash

# or (sometimes `/bin/bash` will not work)
docker exec -it <container hashed ID or container-name> /bin/sh
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  • -it means 'Interacting Terminal'. We can use this terminal to interact with the container and see what is going on with the root access.
  • We can use some basic commands too, for example: ls, pwd, env
  • To exist from the container we can type exist command.


Docker Network Commands

List out all the docker networks

docker network ls
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Create a Docker Network

docker network create <name-of-the-network>

docker network create mongo-network
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Let's connect mongo and mongo-express

  1. Let's deal with MongoDB. Following command will start the mongo container.
docker run -d \                                 ---> We are going to start the container in detached mode.
-p:27017:27017 \                                ---> Binding ports for host and container (specifying ports).
-e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongoadmin \      ---> Environment variable for username.
-e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret \          ---> Environment variable for password.
--name my_mongodb_container \                   ---> Gives a name to mongo container, ex: `my_mongodb_container`.
--network mongo-network \                       ---> Specifying the docker network. `mongo-network`

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  • docker logs <hashed ID of the container> ---> We can check the logs to see if the Mongo container works properly.
  1. Let's deal with Mongo-express. Following command will start the mongo-express container.

docker run -d \                                         ---> We are going to start the container in detached mode.
 -p 8081:8081 \                                         ---> Binding ports for host and container (specifying ports).
-e ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINUSERNAME=mongoadmin \         ---> username
-e ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINPASSWORD=secret \             ---> password
-e ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER=my_mongodb_container \      ---> Name of the Mongo container.
--name my_mongo_express_container \                     ---> Gives a name to mongo container, ex: `my_mongo_express_container`.
--network mongo-network \                               ---> Specifying the docker network. ex: `mongo-network`.

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  • docker logs <hashed ID of the container> ---> We can check the logs to see if the Mongo-express container works properly.
  • We can also open up the web browser, and check mongo-express by opening http://localhost:8081


More with logs

Display the last part of the log.

docker logs <hashID-of-the-container> | tail
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We can get the logs, then we can make a "-----------" line, then we can see the new logs clearly below that line.

docker logs -f
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Docker Compose

  • It is exhausting to run commands when you want to run multiple containers.
  • Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.


Docker compose file.

# docker-compose.yml file
version: "3"
        image: "mongo"
            - "27017:27017"
            - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin
            - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password

        image: "mongo-express"
            - "8081:8081"
            - ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER=my_mongodb_container

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  • Here docker compose takes care of creating a common network.
  • We do not have to worry about specifying and creating a network like we did in the command (like this --network)


How to run the docker compose file.

  • Assume that docker-compose.yml file is in the project directory.
  • Let's open up the terminal (from your project directory) and type following command.
  docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
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How to stop the docker containers using docker-compose file.

  • To stop the docker containers type following command.
  • Please note that following command will also remove the docker network which created when we run the docker-compose.yml

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down


Docker file

  • It is a blueprint for building docker images.
  • All the commands that are in the dockerfile will apply to the docker container environment.
# save the file as a simple text file. File name should be `Dockerfile`
FROM node


RUN mkdir -p /home/app

COPY ./home/app

CMD ["node", "/home/app/server.js"]

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How to build the Docker Image using Dockerfile

  • To create the Docker Image, type following command.
# syntax
docker build -t <name-of-the-image:tag> <location-of-the-Dockerfile>

# example
docker build -t my-app:1.0 .
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Let's run Docker Image that we have created with

docker run my-app:1.0
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How to delete a Docker Image

  1. Delete the my-app Docker Container.
  2. Delete the my-app Docker Image.
# let's list the Docker Images in the machine.
docker images

# let's list all the docker containers (history).
docker ps -a

# let's find out what Docker Container do we have to delete in order to delete the `my-app` Docker Image.
docker ps -a | grep my-app:1.0

# let's delete the Docker Container before we delete `my-app` Docker Image
docker rmi <hashedID-of-the-docker-container>

# then, we can remove the Docker Image using the hashID
docker rmi <hashID-of-the-image>

# Now, when we list down all the images, we do not see the Docker Image.
docker images

# [Optional Step] Then, if we want to rebuild the Docker Image
docker build -t my-app:1.0 .

# [Optional Step] After building successful, we can run our docker image
docker run my-app
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