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Dhinesh Dev
Dhinesh Dev

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How to fix Page Not Found (404) error in django

Django v3.0

Hi, Im new to Django programming language, Now im developing a college project in django, When Im using forms to create login in POST method. If I put it on main page, It's working well. But when I put the forms into inside of another page (about.html) I got this error. I can't fix it. So guys Please help me..

This is the link of my stack overflow post with my codes. Please DEV help me fix it.

Top comments (1)

sepyrt profile image
Dimitris R


Instead of hard-coding the URL in the form action, try using the url template tag:

<form action="{% url 'login' %}" method="POST">

This way you won't need to change all your template references should you decide to use a different path. More: