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Dhyanesh Siddhartha
Dhyanesh Siddhartha

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How to Contribute to Open-Source Projects – Git & GitHub Workflow for Beginner s

Contributing to open-source projects can be a rewarding way to learn, collaborate, and give back to the community. Here's a basic workflow using Git and GitHub for beginners:

Step 1: Set Up Git and GitHub

  1. Install Git: Download and install Git from
  2. Create a GitHub account: Go to and sign up for an account.

Step 2: Configure Git

  1. Set your username: Open Git Bash (Windows) or Terminal (macOS/Linux) and set your username using git config --global "Your Name".
  2. Set your email address: Set your email address using git config --global "".

Step 3: Fork a Repository

  1. Find a project you want to contribute to on GitHub.
  2. Click on the "Fork" button in the top right corner of the repository's page to create a copy (fork) of the repository to your GitHub account.

Step 4: Clone the Repository

  1. Clone your forked repository to your local machine using git clone
  2. Navigate to the cloned repository using cd repository.

Step 5: Set Up Remote

  1. Add the original repository as a remote named "upstream" using git remote add upstream

Step 6: Create a Branch

  1. Create a new branch for your work using git checkout -b your-branch-name.
  2. Make your changes to the code in your branch.

Step 7: Commit Changes

  1. Stage your changes using git add . (for all changes) or git add filename (for specific files).
  2. Commit your changes using git commit -m "Your commit message".

Step 8: Push Changes

  1. Push your branch to your fork on GitHub using git push origin your-branch-name.

Step 9: Create a Pull Request (PR)

  1. Go to your fork on GitHub and you should see a prompt to create a PR for your recently pushed branch.
  2. Click on "Compare & pull request" to open a new PR.
  3. Provide a title and description for your PR, and click on "Create pull request".

Step 10: Review and Merge

  1. Wait for the project maintainers to review your PR. They may ask for changes or provide feedback.
  2. Once your PR is approved, it will be merged into the original repository.

Step 11: Sync Your Fork (Optional)

  1. To keep your fork up to date with the original repository, fetch the changes from the upstream repository using git fetch upstream.
  2. Merge the changes into your local branch using git merge upstream/main (assuming the main branch is used) or git rebase upstream/main.
  3. Push the merged changes to your fork using git push origin main.

That's a basic workflow for contributing to open-source projects using Git and GitHub. Remember to always follow the project's contribution guidelines and be respectful of the community.

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